Grain quality
Official Grain Grading Guide
- List of revisions
- Determining test weight
- Moisture testing
- Specifications for sieves
- Wheat
- Rye
- Barley
- Oats
- Triticale
- Mixed grain
- Canola and rapeseed
- Flaxseed
- Domestic mustard seed
- Buckwheat
- Sunflower seed
- Safflower seed
- Peas
- Corn
- Lentils
- Beans
- Soybeans
- Faba beans
- Chickpeas
- Screenings
- Experimental grades of wheat
- Sample feed grain
- Standard abbreviations
- Glossary
Grading grading
Grading factors
- Grading factors for Canadian wheat
- Fusarium head blight in western Canada
- Identifying wheat and barley seed affected by fusarium head blight
- Ergot’s effect on wheat grades
- Determine moisture content for Canadian grains
- Visual identification of small oilseeds and weed seed contaminants
- Test weight for Canadian grains
- Setting and changing grades
- Canadian wheat classes
- Standard samples as a grain grading tool
Grading factors
- Variety designation lists
Manage stored grain
Identify an insect
Primary insect pests
- Larger grain borer
- Lesser grain borer
- Bean weevil
- Pea weevil
- Southern cowpea weevil
- Granary weevil
- Rice weevil
- Maize weevil
- Khapra beetle
- Rusty grain beetle
- Flat grain beetle
- Flour mill beetle
- Merchant grain beetle
- Sawtoothed grain beetle
- Longheaded flour beetle
- Red flour beetle
- Confused flour beetle
- Large flour beetle
- Cadelle
- Angoumois grain moth
- Secondary insect pests
- Eight common insect pests
- Insect pest biology
- Glossary of insect terminology
Primary insect pests
- Insect identification keys
- Insecticides
- Physical
- Manage storage to prevent infestations
Identify an insect
- Harvest Sample Program
- Sampling grain
- Services
Research and data
- Statistics
- Grain Research Laboratory
Grain harvest and export quality
- Scientific analysis of Canadian wheat harvest and export quality
- Annual statistics on Fusarium damage in Canadian wheat since 2003
- Scientific analysis of western Canadian malting barley harvest quality
- Canada Western/Eastern food barley
- Scientific analysis of western Canadian canola harvest and export quality
- Scientific analysis of western Canadian flaxseed harvest and export quality
- Scientific analysis of western Canadian mustard quality
- Scientific analysis of Canadian oilseed-type soybeans harvest quality
- Scientific analysis of Canadian food-type soybeans harvest quality
- Scientific analysis of western Canadian lentil quality
- Scientific analysis of western Canadian peas harvest quality
- Scientific analysis of western Canadian chickpeas harvest quality
- Quality of western Canadian pea beans
- Scientific reports
Direction for the industry
"Page details"
- Date modified: