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Triticale: Determination of commercially clean

Dockage is not assessed on triticale samples that meet the commercially clean specifications defined in the commercially clean determination table. The table is found in the Export shipments section of this chapter. All samples must be analyzed to determine if they are commercially clean prior to dockage assessment. The analysis of samples which are clearly not commercially clean may consist of a visual assessment. For example, if there is no doubt that a sample contains more than 0.05% of small seeds without hand sieving and weighing the seeds then dockage will be assessed using procedures defined under Determination of dockage. Where there is any doubt regarding whether the sample is commercially clean the sample must be analyzed using the procedures outlined in steps 1 through 7 below to confirm that the sample is not commercially clean prior to assessing a dockage.

  1. Using a Boerner-type divider, divide the sample to obtain a representative portion.
    • Official samples shall be at least 1 kg.
    • Unofficial samples shall be at least 1 kg.
  2. Place approximately 250 grams of the sample at a time on the Number 4.5 round hole hand sieve.
  3. Move the sieves from left to right 30 times using a sifting motion. One complete motion is approximately 10 cm from the center to one side, back to the center, approximately 10 cm to the other side and back to the center.
  4. All material passing through the Number 4.5 round hole sieve is weighed and the percentage calculated to determine if it meets the commercially clean specification of the grade for material removable through the Number 4.5 round hole sieve. (Column #2 in the commercially clean determination table)
  5. Small seeds passing through the Number 4.5 round hole sieve are weighed and the percentage calculated to determine if they meet the commercially clean specification of the grade for small seeds. (Column #1 in the commercially clean determination table)
  6. The sample portions remaining on top of the Number 4.5 are recombined and divided using a Boerner-type divider to a representative portion of not less than 250 grams.
  7. The portion divided from step 6 is handpicked to remove roughage material which is weighed and the percentage calculated. Add the roughage percentage to the total obtained in step 4 to determine if it meets the commercially clean specifications of the grade for small seeds, attrition and roughage. (Column #2 in the commercially clean determination table)

    Note: If the roughage material contains unthreshed triticale heads, the heads are squeezed to remove the kernels of triticale prior to weighing. The triticale kernel is not included when assessing the concentration of roughage for commercial cleanliness. However, care should be taken to keep these kernels separate. If it is determined that the sample is not commercially clean (NCC), kernels squeezed from the unthreshed heads will be included in the dockage.

Should the percentage concentration of either of the factors determined in steps 1 through 7 exceed the specifications set out in columns 1 or 2 of the commercially clean determination table the sample will be considered to be not commercial clean. Dockage will be assessed on samples determined to be not commercially clean by using the procedures defined under Determination of dockage.

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