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Accredited Container Sampler Program (ACSP)

The Accredited Container Sampler Program is a voluntary accreditation program for grain sampling companies. The Canadian Grain Commission offers official inspection and certification for container shipments sampled by accredited companies on its behalf. To receive sampling services through the Accredited Container Sampler Program, grain companies must register with the Canadian Grain Commission.

The Canadian Grain Commission monitors the accredited company by periodically auditing its sampling procedures and sampling staff.

Application requirements

To become accredited, a company must meet the requirements of the following:

To apply for accreditation, a company must

  • have an effective quality management system
  • have samplers trained and certified by Canadian Grain Commission staff
  • request information from the Canadian Grain Commission on the registered company or companies for which they plan to provide sampling services
  • develop standard operating procedures for each of their clients based on Canadian Grain Commission-approved sampling sites, methods and equipment

Apply to become an accredited third-party sampler

  1. Submit a completed application for accreditation as a sampling service provider (Word - 105 kb)
  2. Submit a quality manual to the Canadian Grain Commission for review and approval
  3. Complete a successful assessment of compliance with the Sampling Methods and Procedures Guide (PDF - 1.23 mb)
  4. Pay the applicable fees

For more information about the application, accreditation and monitoring processes, review the quality system procedure for accreditation and monitoring third-party samplers and sampling system auditors (PDF - 136 kb).

Accredited container sampler process

  1. The Canadian Grain Commission accredits a third-party sampling company to take official samples on its behalf
  2. A grain company or transloader registers with the Canadian Grain Commission to take part in the Accredited Container Sampler program
  3. A registered company asks an accredited third party to take an official sample at its facility
  4. The accredited third party takes an official sample and submits it to the Canadian Grain Commission using the Accredited Container Sampler Program sample submission form
  5. A Canadian Grain Commission inspector performs an official inspection and issues an official certificate

Sampler and sampling system auditor accreditation fees

Accreditation application (one-time):

  • $1,110 (if ACSP is only scope)
  • $1,000 (if CCSP is only scope)
  • $745 (for CCSP as an additional scope)
  • $875 (for ACSP as an additional scope)

CCSP annual accreditation fee: $7,465

ACSP annual accredition fee: $7,465

CCSP auditor training and assessmentFootnote 1: $700 per student, up to a maximum of five

ACSP sampler training and assessmentFootnote 1: $580 per student, minimum of five students

On-site assessments (per day, as required)Footnote 1: $1,150

Note – These fees are projected to increase annually.

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