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Wheat: Classes and varieties


Canadian wheat varieties are grouped into classes by their functional characteristics. Canadian wheat classes are categorized as western Canadian or eastern Canadian by the regions in which the varieties are grown.

Canada Eastern Other Wheat

The selection of CEOW wheat varieties is the responsibility of the receiving elevator. Each individual company has their own selection criteria and specifications. All CEOW selected will be graded according to the specifications listed in the Wheat CE Other Wheat primary grade determination table.

In eastern Canada, varieties of wheat that are neither assigned to a class for the region, nor selected as CEOW are eligible for the class Canada Eastern Feed (CEFD).

Non-registered varieties

Where grain of any kind is not a registered variety under the Seeds Act, no person shall, except with the permission of the Canadian Grain Commission, assign a statutory grade to that grain which is higher than the lowest grade established by regulation for that kind of grain.

Classes and varieties of official wheats
Western class name Variety (from the Regulations)
Canada Western Red Spring Any variety of the class CWRS designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Western Hard White Spring Any variety of the class CWHWS designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Western Amber Durum Any variety of the class CWAD designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Western Red Winter Any variety of the class CWRW designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Western Soft White Spring Any variety of the class CWSWS designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Western Extra Strong Any variety of the class CWES designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Prairie Spring White Any variety of the class CPSW designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Prairie Spring Red Any variety of the class CPSR designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Northern Hard Red Any variety of the class CNHR designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Western Special Purpose Any variety of the class CWSP designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Classes and varieties of official wheats
Eastern class name Variety (from the Regulations)
Canada Eastern Red Spring Any variety of the class CERS designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Eastern Hard Red Winter Any variety of the class CEHRW designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Eastern Soft Red Winter Any variety of the class CESRW designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Eastern Amber Durum Any variety of the class CEAD designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Eastern White Winter Any variety of the class CEWW designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission
Canada Eastern Other Wheat

Any variety of the class CEOW designated as such by order of the Canadian Grain Commission.

The selection of CEOW wheat varieties is the responsibility of the receiving elevator. Each individual company has their own selection criteria and specifications. All CEOW selected will be graded according to the specifications listed in the Wheat CE Other Wheat primary grade determination table.

Canada Eastern Feed Any class or variety of wheat excluding amber durum

Note: Refer to the primary and export grade determination tables for information specific to each grade

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