Renew a grain company licence

You must renew your grain company licence each year. The Canadian Grain Commission will email you a renewal package 3 months before your licence renewal date. Your renewal package is specific to your company and will tell you exactly what you need in order to renew your licence.

The deadline to renew your licence is the 15th day of the month prior to your renewal date. Your renewal date will be included in your renewal package. For example, if your renewal date is February 1, the deadline to renew your licence is January 15.

Sign in to renew or update your licence

What you need before you renew

The Canadian Grain Commission needs different documentation if you are renewing a grain dealer or primary, process or terminal elevator licence. Your renewal package will include a request for payment of your licence renewal fee and a list of all the documents you need in order to renew your licence. You can also view this information online when you sign in to renew or update your licence.

Paying your licence renewal fee

You must pay a full-term licence fee when renewing your grain company licence. The licence renewal fee is calculated by multiplying the monthly licensing rate by the number of months of the anticipated licence term.

For example, a current licensee that is renewing 2 licences in the 2017 to 2018 fiscal year will need to pay a full-term licence fee of $7,056. This is based on a fee of $294 per month for 12 months for 2 licences.

The following is a list of our service standards for high-volume regulatory authorizations in licensing:

You may pay by cheque, American Express, MasterCard or Visa. Credit card payments can be made over the phone. Credit card payments for licence fees over $5,000 will be processed over multiple transactions. Once a credit card payment is processed, the Canadian Grain Commission destroys all credit card information. Cheques should be made payable to the Receiver General for Canada and mailed to:

Licensing and Security
800-303 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3G8.

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