Angoumois grain moth
Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier)
Primary pest; grain feeder
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Gelichiidae
Acronym: SCE
- Adults are smaller than other stored-product moths.
- Adults have strongly curved labial palps and are pale grayish brown with a wingspan of 12 to 14 mm.
- Fresh specimens have a single black dot on the centre of each front wing, approximately two-thirds from the wing base.
Similar species
- None
Commodities affected
- Wheat, barley, corn, rice, sorghum, millet
Signs of infestation
- As larvae develop within the grain kernel, damage is not readily apparent.
- Heating of grain may be an indication of presence.
- Presence of adults flying nearby is an indication of infestation.
- Larval feeding produces large cavities within infested grain.
- Does not bind grain with silks as many moths do.
- Infestations produce abundant heat and moisture that may encourage mould growth and attract secondary pests.
- Adults do not feed on commodity.
How to control
Geographic range
- The Angoumois grain moth is found worldwide in mild to warm temperate and tropical regions.
- In Canada, is found only in southern Ontario
Life history
- Females lay up to 150 eggs, either singly or in groups, on the outside of grains.
- Larvae burrow into the grain inside which they feed and remain until emergence as an adult.
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