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Longheaded flour beetle

Latheticus oryzae Waterhouse


Primary pest (mills); grain feeder
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Tenebrionidae
Acronym: LOR


  • Adults are yellowish to brownish beetles that are slender and flattened, reaching a length of 3 mm.
  • Adults have a comparatively large head with short antennae with a five segmented club.
  • Larvae are pale yellow to cream in color with a dark head capsule and dark urogomphi.


Similar species

Commodities affected

  • Pasta, dried cassava, oatmeal, provender, tea, sorghum, maize, cereal grains

Signs of infestation

  • Disagreeable odour in the commodity is an indication of the presence of these beetles.
  • Presence of large numbers is indicative of old stores of poor quality.


  • Damage is not distinctive.
  • Both adults and larvae feed on the commodity.

How to control

Geographic range

  • Is distributed worldwide
  • Is not known to be widely established in Canada but has been reported from ports in New Brunswick and Quebec and occurs infrequently on the Prairies

Where found

  • Is not cold tolerant and thrives only in hot damp conditions
  • Is considered a minor pest of stored grain
  • Can be destructive in mills, granaries and holds of ships

Life history

  • This beetle requires a very high minimum temperature for development to occur (25oC).
  • Females lay eggs at random throughout the food source.
  • Larvae actively move through the food.

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