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Official Grain Grading Guide

The Official Grain Grading Guide is used by Canadian Grain Commission grain inspectors as a complete reference on the grading of grains, oilseeds and pulses. It is reviewed and revised to incorporate changes to grade specifications and tolerance levels recommended by the Western and Eastern grain standards committees and to update definitions and grading procedures.

ISSN 1704-5118


  • Printed copies
    • The web version will be updated as and when changes are made. Copies printed from the website are not controlled.
    • Users of printed copies should be aware that changes may occur without notification.
    • Users of printed copies are encouraged to check the web version on a regular basis to ensure they are working with a current version.

For more information on the Official Grain Grading Guide please contact us:

1-800-853-6705 (toll-free)

Effective August 1, 2024

ISO 9001 The web version of the Official Grain Grading Guide is a document controlled under our International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provisions.

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