Reinspection of grain delivered to a terminal elevator
Dispute inward grain inspection results
If you disagree with the grade, protein, moisture or dockage assigned to grain you are delivering or receiving at a licensed terminal elevator, you have the right to request a reinspection. You may do so by applying for a reinspection by the Canadian Grain Commission. There is a fee to apply for a reinspection. The Chief Grain Inspector for Canada or authorized inspector will inspect the grain to determine grade and dockage. The Chief Grain Inspector’s or authorized inspector’s determination is final.
This service is applicable to western grain that has not previously been inspected at a licensed terminal elevator and to eastern grain that has been sampled in accordance with the Canadian Grain Commission Sampling Systems Handbook and Approval Guide.
Contact us
- For more information about reinspection of grain delivered to a terminal elevator, contact Grain grading and inspection.
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