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Quality of western Canadian lentils 2017

4. Lentil samples

Samples for the Canadian Grain Commission's Harvest Sample Program were collected from producers across western Canada (Figure 1). The Canadian Grain Commission received a total of 644 lentil samples including 291 green and 353 red lentils for analysis. All samples were graded and tested for protein content and seed size distribution. Size distribution was determined using the image analysis technique. Composites for green lentils (No. 1 and No. 2 Canada combined) were prepared based on seed size (small, medium and large) and crop region, while composites for red lentils were prepared based on crop region and variety (No. 1 and No. 2 Canada combined). The composite samples were tested for moisture content, protein content, starch content, total dietary fiber, ash content, mineral content, 100-seed weight and water absorption. In addition, red lentils were also evaluated for their dehulling quality. It is important to note that the samples reported by grade do not necessarily represent the actual distribution of grade.

Figure 1. Map of the prairie provinces showing origin of 2017 lentil samples from the Canadian Grain Commission's Harvest Sample Program

Crop region map of prairies-origin of green and red lentil samples,2017.Details below.

This map shows the prairie provinces, from west to east: Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Each dot on the map represents a location from where a lentil crop sample was sent by a producer to the Canadian Grain Commission as part of the Harvest Sample program. The number of dots does not represent the total number of samples received. The majority of samples of both green and red lentils were received from locations in Saskatchewan. Cities from west to east are: Calgary, Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Regina, Saskatchewan; Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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