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Variety designation lists

Under the Canada Grain Act, the Canadian Grain Commission has the authority to designate the class of grain for which new grain varieties are eligible. A grain variety must be registered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to be eligible for an established class.

The Canadian Grain Commission maintains variety designation lists for Canadian wheat and barley. These variety designation lists include all varieties eligible for each class.

The variety designation lists help producers and grain handlers identify which varieties are eligible for a grade within a class. The Canadian grain industry uses the lists to keep ineligible varieties from undermining the quality of grain shipments and possibly causing problems for end users.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) in consultation with the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) has adopted a protocol for cancellation of variety registrations by request of the Canadian Representative and Breeder of a given variety. This procedure is available on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s website.

Variety designation orders by class of grain, order number and date issued or amended

Variety designation orders by class of grade, includes order number and date issued or amended
Class of grain Order number Date issued Amended
Wheat, Canada Eastern Amber Durum (CEAD) 2024-01 2024-07-01 -
Barley, Canada Eastern Malting (CE), Two-row 2024-02-01 2024-07-01 2024-11-18
Barley, Canada Eastern Malting (CE), Six-row 2024-03 2024-07-01 -
Wheat, Canada Eastern Feed 2024-04 2024-07-01 -
Wheat, Canada Eastern Other Wheat (CEOW) 2024-05-01 2024-07-01 2024-11-18
Wheat, Canada Eastern Red Spring (CERS) 2024-06 2024-07-01 -
Wheat, Canada Eastern Hard Red Winter (CEHRW) 2024-07 2024-07-01 -
Wheat, Canada Eastern Soft Red Winter (CESRW) 2024-08-01 2024-07-01 2024-11-18
Wheat, Canada Eastern White Winter (CEWW) 2024-09 2024-07-01 -
Barley, Canada Eastern Malting (CE), Two-row Hulless 2024-10-01 2024-07-01 2024-11-18
Barley, Canada Eastern Malting (CE), Six-row Hulless 2024-11 2024-07-01 -
Wheat, Canada Northern Hard Red (CNHR) 2024-12 2024-08-01 -
Wheat, Canada Western Special Purpose (CWSP) 2024-13 2024-08-01 -
Wheat, Canada Western Amber Durum (CWAD) 2024-14-01 2024-08-01 2024-11-18
Barley, Canada Western Malting (CW), Two-row 2024-15-01 2024-08-01 2024-11-18
Barley, Canada Western Malting (CW), Six-row 2024-16 2024-08-01 -
Wheat, Canada Western Hard White Spring (CWHWS) 2024-17 2024-08-01 -
Wheat, Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) 2024-18-02 2024-08-01 2024-12-12
Wheat, Canada Western Soft White Spring (CWSWS) 2024-19 2024-08-01 -
Wheat, Canada Prairie Spring Red (CPSR) 2024-20-01 2024-08-01 2024-12-12
Wheat, Canada Prairie Spring White (CPSW) 2024-21 2024-08-01 -
Wheat, Canada Western Experimental (CW EXPRMTL) 2024-22 2024-08-01 -
Wheat, Canada Western Extra Strong (CWES) 2024-23 2024-08-01 -
Wheat, Canada Western Red Winter (CWRW) 2024-24 2024-08-01 -
Barley, Canada Western Malting (CW), Two-row Hulless 2024-25-01 2024-08-01 2024-11-18
Barley, Canada Western Malting (CW), Six-row Hulless 2024-26 2024-08-01 -
Barley, Canada Western Food (CW), Two-row 2024-50 2024-08-01 -
Barley, Canada Eastern Food (CE), Two-row 2024-51 2024-07-01 -
Barley, Canada Western Food (CW), Two-row Hulless 2024-52-01 2024-08-01 2024-12-12
Barley, Canada Eastern Food (CE), Two-row Hulless 2024-53-01 2024-07-01 2024-12-12

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