Quality of western Canadian flaxseed 2016
Harvest samples
Flaxseed samples for the Canadian Grain Commission’s Harvest Sample Program are collected and cleaned to remove dockage prior to testing. The samples are analyzed for oil, protein and iodine value using a Foss NIR Systems 6500 scanning near-infrared spectrometer, calibrated to and verified against the appropriate reference method. Composite samples are used for free fatty acids and fatty acid composition analyses. Composites are prepared by combining samples by province for Flaxseed, No.1 Canada Western. Composites of Flaxseed, No. 2 Canada Western, Flaxseed, No. 3 Canada Western and Sample Grade combine all samples from western Canada by grade.
This year's harvest report includes 224 samples compared to 296 in 2015. Manitoba contributed 34 samples of Flaxseed, No. 1 Canada Western, Saskatchewan 132 samples, and Alberta 26 samples during the harvest period from September 1st to December 1st, 2016. There were 15 samples that were graded as Flaxseed, No. 2 Canada Western, 16 as No. 3 Canada Western and one graded Sample.
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