Requesting reinspection by the Canadian Grain Commission
Effective August 1, 2013
Request a reinspection
If you are not satisfied with the grade, protein, moisture or dockage assigned to your grain during inward inspection of a railcar or truck at a licensed terminal elevator, you have the right to request binding determination of grade and dockage by the Canadian Grain Commission.
You must request a reinspection within 5 calendar days after the date of the original inspection. You (or your administrator) must:
- Complete the Inward Reinspection Application form I-136.
- Submit the application by email or fax to both the Canadian Grain Commission (email: or fax: 204-983-7550) and the receiving terminal elevator within the 5-day period.
Upon receipt of the Inward Reinspection Application and the representative sample provided by the receiving terminal elevator, the Chief Grain Inspector for Canada:
- Inspects the sample
- Issues an Inward Reinspection Certificate to both parties involved in the disagreement.
If the grade assigned to the grain is different from the grade previously assigned to it, the Chief Grain Inspector for Canada requires all inspection certificates and other documents relating to the grain be revised accordingly. Final determination rests with the office of the Chief Grain Inspector for Canada.
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