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Grain standards advisory committees’ terms of reference


The Canadian Grain Commission is established under the Canada Grain Act (CGA) to “establish and maintain standards of quality for Canadian grain and regulate grain handling in Canada, to ensure a dependable commodity for domestic and export markets.”

Section 20(1) of the Canada Grain Act requires that the Canadian Grain Commission, by by-law, constitute a western grain standards committee and an eastern grain standards committee for the purpose of recommending specifications for grades of grain and selecting and recommending primary standard samples of grain.

Given the technical nature of this work, the standards committees may seek the advice of a committee of experts to ensure that any recommendations made by the standards committees are guided by scientific research and practical experience. Under section 12(e) of the Canada Grain Act, the Canadian Grain Commission has the authority to establish, by by-law, committees such as advisory committees. As such, Canadian Grain Commission By-law No. 7 establishes grain standards advisory committees as follows:

Committee Committee interest
Wheat wheat
Barley and other cereal grains barley, oats, rye, triticale, canary seed, mixed grain
Oilseeds canola, flaxseed, sunflower seed, rapeseed, safflower seed, domestic mustard seed
Pulses beans, chickpeas, faba beans, lentils, peas, soybeans

By-law No. 7 also establishes the members of the grain standards advisory committees and the terms of office, and the amount they are entitled to be paid, for those committee members who are not employed in the federal public service.



The objectives of each grain standards advisory committee (advisory committee) are as follows:

  1. Bring forward commodity-specific concerns related to the grain grading system.
  2. Facilitate input from all stakeholders.
  3. Study grain quality issues to provide subject matter expertise, scientific analysis, and advice in support of standards committee work.


During deliberations when performing the above duties, the advisory committees may consider, amongst other factors, the impacts on all aspects of the grain value chain, including producers, industry, domestic and international customers.

The advisory committees are not intended to take on the duties of the grain standards committees intended by sections 24(2)(b) and (c) of the Canada Grain Act. Advisory committees are distinct from any subcommittees established under section 25 of the Canada Grain Act.


Advisory committee composition

Each advisory committee will be comprised of the following:

  • A Canadian Grain Commission-appointed Chair who will represent the advisory committee at the Western Standards Committee and Eastern Standards Committee meetings.
  • Producer and industry members selected by the Canadian Grain Commission.
  • 1 Canadian Grain Commission grain inspector and 1 Canadian Grain Commission scientist.

Membership of the advisory committees will be flexible and linked to commodity-specific issues. Core membership will include grain producers and industry representatives. Additional resource people may be engaged, on an issue-by-issue basis, at the discretion of each advisory committee in collaboration with the Canadian Grain Commission. Working groups may be established from time to time at the discretion of the advisory committee.

Membership application process

The Canadian Grain Commission will invite producer and industry organizations to request submissions of potential members for the advisory committees. To achieve broader representation, the Canadian Grain Commission may invite individuals not nominated by any organization to also submit applications. The Canadian Grain Commission will then review those submissions to select representatives best suited to meet the objectives of each advisory committee.

Term of membership

Advisory committee members will be appointed for a term of three years with the possibility of being renewed twice for a period of up to 2 years for each renewal.

Remuneration and expenses

Each member of an advisory committee (except those employed in the federal public service) is entitled to be paid an allowance for their services in an amount fixed by Canadian Grain Commission By-law No.7, as well as reasonable travel and other expenses while absent from their ordinary place of residence. Refer to Appendix 1: Expenses and travel claims.

Shared responsibilities of all members

  • Submit commodity-specific issues related to grain grading, grain standards, analytical grain testing equipment, or standard samples as potential agenda items to be investigated further.
  • Attend advisory committee meetings.
  • Present the view of the respective organization or field of expertise for which the member was appointed.
  • Communicate committee meeting deliberations with the stakeholders they represent.
  • Commit to following up on action items and otherwise carrying out committee business in a professional manner.



Meetings of each advisory committee will be held at least twice a year, prior to the grain standards committee meetings in the spring and fall, with additional meetings held on an as-needed basis. Meetings will be conducted in person or virtually, or some combination thereof. The Canadian Grain Commission has the ability to determine the preferred meeting format.


Notices of advisory committee meetings will be sent in advance to all committee members. The Canadian Grain Commission will provide advisory committee members with a minimum of 30 days’ notice of regular advisory committee meetings. Notices will include a template that members must use to make submissions to the meeting’s agenda and will specify a submission deadline.


The quorum of each advisory committee is at least half of the number of members in office.


The role of the Chair is to set the meeting’s agenda, facilitate input from all members, moderate member participation and liaise with the grain standards committees to communicate the advisory committees’ advice.


Should an appointed member be unavailable to attend an advisory committee meeting, the nominating organization may request that an alternate attend on their behalf. The nominating organization is to submit a written request to the Chair of the advisory committee prior to the meeting indicating the name, address and phone number of the requested alternate. Alternates may vote on behalf of the appointed member.


  • Any person who wishes to observe an advisory committee meeting must send a request to the Chair at least 48 hours prior to that meeting.
  • The Chair decides whether to approve or deny a request for observer status.
  • Observers cannot participate in committee votes and do not count towards quorum of an advisory committee.
  • Observers may only participate in discussion if the Chair grants them prior approval or invites them to during the meeting.
  • Observers are not entitled to be paid an allowance for their services, travel or other expenses.


Members (or their alternates) who miss three consecutive meetings without informing the Chair shall be deemed to have resigned from the advisory committee and will be notified of this in writing by the Chair.

Recommendations and voting

The advisory committee will make every effort to arrive at decisions on recommendations through consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, the advisory committee will bring the issue to a vote.

An advisory committee member will make a motion to adopt a resolution and, if another member seconds the motion, the committee will proceed to formally discuss the resolution followed by a vote. Votes on resolutions are non-binding but rather intended to aid the grain standards committee in making its recommendations to the Canadian Grain Commission.

Record of meetings

The Canadian Grain Commission will keep a summary of each meeting that contains a record of attendance, agenda items, votes taken, conclusions reached, committee recommendations, and action items assigned for the purpose of informing grain standards committee reporting.


Handling of meeting materials, discussions and information

Meeting materials, discussions and information are not considered confidential unless related to an in-camera meeting or an in-camera portion of a meeting. Personal information will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Act.

In-camera meetings

At the discretion of the Chair, an advisory committee may have meetings or portions of meetings in-camera and be attended only by regular advisory committee members. In-camera meeting proceedings are strictly confidential, and any documents provided in support of these meetings must not be shared. No notes or recordings of in-camera meetings, or in-camera portions of meetings shall be kept.

Openness and transparency

The Canadian Grain Commission is committed to openness, transparency, and evidence-based decision making. The Canadian Grain Commission will convey information in accordance with its communication and transparency commitments, found in Appendix 2.

Proactive disclosure

The Canadian Grain Commission is required to proactively disclose travel and hospitality expenses in the time and manner prescribed by the Comptroller General of Canada. The current proactive disclosure information is posted in the Proactive Disclosure section of Open Government.

Review of grain standards advisory committee terms of reference

The Canadian Grain Commission will review these terms of reference at a minimum of every five years.

Appendix 1: Expenses and travel claims


The National Joint Council Travel Directive applies to public service employees, exempt staff and other persons authorized to travel on government business.

Grain standards advisory committee members (non-public service) are entitled to:

  • A per diem of $310 plus reasonable expenses while attending a committee meeting in person.
  • A per diem of $100 for meetings attended virtually, plus an additional $10 for each 15-minute increment that a meeting lasts beyond two hours.
  • Where the Canadian Grain Commission provides material for review in advance of a committee meeting, $40 per hour for preparation and up to a maximum payment of $160 for meetings attended in person or virtually.
  • Per diem travel expenses as stated in the Travel Directive when attending an in-person meeting.
  • An additional flat fee of $100 for any member who is a non-public servant travelling in excess of 5 hours (one way). For audit purposes, the members’ travel claims are to be accompanied by all receipts.

Under the Travel Directive, travelers have the following responsibilities:

  • Be familiar with the provision of the Travel Directive.
  • Consult and obtain authorization to travel in accordance with the Travel Directive.
  • Inform the employer (the Canadian Grain Commission) of their needs that may require accommodation.
  • Complete and submit travel expense claims with the necessary supporting documentation as soon as possible after the completion of the travel.

Appendix 2: Communication and transparency commitments

Before grain standards advisory committee meetings

  • The Canadian Grain Commission will:
    • invite producers and industry stakeholder groups via social media to contact the Canadian Grain Commission or committee members with grading or standards issues, concerns, or discussion items, at least 2 months before scheduled grain standards advisory committee meetings
    • leverage stakeholder engagements to ask stakeholder groups for grading or standards issues, concerns, or discussion items
    • provide instructions, on standards committee webpages, on how stakeholders can contact the Canadian Grain Commission or committee members with grading or standards issues, concerns, or discussion items
    • provide instructions, on grain standards committee webpages, on how to attend grain standard advisory committee meetings as an observer
    • send notice of meetings to grain standards advisory committee membership and represented stakeholder groups requesting the submission of new discussion items 1 month ahead of the grain standard advisory committee meetings
    • send the agenda to the grain standards advisory committee membership and represented stakeholder groups 1 week ahead of the grain standards advisory committee meetings

After grain standards advisory committee meetings

  • A summary of grain standards advisory committee meetings will be included as part of the grain standards committee records of discussion

After grain standards committee meetings

  • 4 weeks after the grain standards committee meetings, the Canadian Grain Commission will publish records of discussions on its website and share the summary via social media

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