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Evaluation of the Harvest Sample Program


Appenix 1: Harvest Sample Program Logic Model, September 2015

Harvest Sample Program Logic Model
Appendix 1: Harvest Sample Program Logic Model, September 2015
Activities Outputs Outcomes
Collect harvest samples Strategic Outcome 1: Canada's grain is safe, reliable and marketable and Canadian grain producers are properly compensated for grain delivers to licensed grain companies
Analyze individual and composite harvest samples Unofficial third party Grade and Quality Assessments provided to producers Producers have increased knowledge in order to better market their grain Producers are better able to negotiate grade and price for their grain
Grain sample and data provided to the Quakity Assurance Program and Grain Quality Research Program Support for the activities of the Grain Quality Research Program and the Quality Assurance Program
Annual harvest quality information on each Canadian grain based on the samples received Domestic and international buyers and processers have better information on the Canadian grain crop to assist them in making informed business decisions Information recipients, including potential buyers, have increased confidence in the quality, grading factors, and specifications of the Canadian grain crop
Assist the domestic grain industry in marketing Canadian grains

Appenix 2: Harvest quality data parameters

2015 Canadian Grain Commission harvest quality reports quality parameters by commodity
Commodity Quality data parameters
  • Wheat: Test Weight (kg/hL), 1000 kernel weight (g), Protein content %, Ash content %, Falling number, sec, Particle size index, %
  • Milling Flour Yield: Clean wheat basis, %, 0.50% Ash basis, %
  • Flour (74% extraction): Protein content, %, Wet gluten content, %, Gluten index, %, Ash Content, %. Starch Damage, %, Amylograph Peak Viscosity, BU
  • Farinogram: Absorption, %, Dough Development Time, min, Stability, min, Mixing Tolerance Index, BU
  • Extensogram (135 minutes): Maximum Resistance, BU, Extensibility - Length, cm, Area, cm2
  • Alveogram: P (height X 1.1), mm, Extensibility - Length, cm, Area, cm2
  • Baking: Absorption, %, Mixing time, min, Mixing energy, W-h/kg of dough, Loaf volume, cm3/100 g flour
Canola Chlorophyll content, Iodine value, Oil content, Protein content, Total glucosinolates content
Flaxseed Iodine value, Oil content, Protein content
Lentils Protein content
Malting barley Test Weight (kg/hL), 1000 kernel weight (g), Plump %, Protein, Germination energy 4ml %, Germination energy 8ml %
Peas Protein content

Source: Canadian Grain Commission, 2015 Harvest and Export Quality Reports

Appenix 3: Demographics of registered producers surveyed

Characteristics of registered participating and non-participating producers, compared to the overall population of farmers in Canada
Characteristic Non-participating producers (n=125) Participating producers (n=1,207) Characteristic Total population of producers
Province or territory % # % # Province or territory (grains and oilseeds) % #
British Columbia 0.8 1 0.4 5 British Columbia 1.0 2187
Alberta 26.4 32 30.3 344 Alberta 20.7 47407
Saskatchewan 41.3 50 48.7 553 Saskatchewan 30.4 69665
Manitoba 7.4 9 14.9 169 Manitoba 10.0 22882
Ontario 10.7 13 3.2 36 Ontario 26.4 60495
Quebec 12.4 15 2.3 26 Quebec 10.2 23375
New Brunswick 0.8 1 0.1 1 New Brunswick 0.4 971
Nova Scotia 0.0 0 0.0 0 Nova Scotia 0.3 796
Prince Edward Island 0.0 0 0.1 1 Prince Edward Island 0.5 1259
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.0 0 0.0 0 Newfoundland and Labrador 0.0 29
Yukon 0.0 0 0.0 0 Yukon 0.0 28
Age % # % # Age (age commodities) % #
18 to 35 14.8 17 7.8 86 35 and under 8.2 48265
36 to 50 24.3 28 19.1 211 35 to 54 43.5 255870
51 to 64 50.4 58 20.1 222 55 and above 48.3 283980
64 and above 10.4 12 53.0 585
Acreage % # % # Acreage (all commodities) % #
Under 1,000 acres 43.0 48 30.4 332 Under 1,119 acres 81.9 168,701
1,000 to 1,999 acres 23.0 26 30.3 331 1,120 to 2,239 acres 9.7 20056
2,000 to 3,999 acres 17.0 19 23.8 260 2,240 to 2,879 acres 2.5 5231
4,000 to 5,999 acres 8.0 9 9.9 108 2,880 to 3,519 acres 1.7 3482
6,000 acres and over 9.0 10 5.5 60 3,520 acres and over 4.1 8419
Gross farm revenue % # % # Gross farm revenue (all commodities) % #
Less than $100,000 13.3 14 10.0 101 Less than $100,000 62.3 128171
$100,000 to $249,000 21.0 22 22.7 229 $100,000 to $249,000 15.4 31679
$250,000 to $499,999 29.5 31 25.4 257 $250,000 to $499,999 10.9 22458
$500,000 to $999,999 16.2 17 20.9 211 $500,000 to $999,999 6.8 13978
$1,000,000 to $2,499,999 14.3 15 17.4 176 $1,000,000 to $1,999,999 3.1 6304
$2,500,000 to $5,000,000 5.7 6 2.0 20 Over $2,000,000 1.6 3299
Over $5,000,000 0.0 0 1.6 16
Grains produced % # % # Grains produced % #
Canada Eastern Red Spring 5.9 7 2.7 32 Spring wheat (excluding durum) 15.5 35541
Canada Western Red Spring Wheat 42.4 50 71.1 848
Canada Prairie Spring Red Wheat 13.6 16 12.4 148
Canada Prairie Spring White Wheat 5.1 6 1.5 18
Canada Western Hard White Spring Wheat 5.9 7 4.4 53
Canada Western Soft White Spring Wheat 5.1 6 2.2 26
Canada Eastern Red Winter 1.7 2 0.8 10 Winter wheat 6.4 14595
Canada Eastern Soft Red Winter 7.6 9 1.8 22
Canada Eastern White Winter 3.4 4 0.2 2
Canada Western Red Winter Wheat 5.9 7 6.7 80
Canada Eastern General Purpose Barley 7.6 9 1.0 12 Barley 13.1 29945
Canada Western General Purpose Barley 22.9 27 13.9 166
Canada Western Amber Durum Wheat 15.3 18 23.9 285 Durum wheat 3.2 7277
Canada Western Extra Strong Wheat 1.7 2 0.3 3 Mixed grains 3.1 7062
Canada Western General Purpose Wheat 4.2 5 1.7 20
Flaxseed 18.6 22 19.4 232 Flaxseed 2.0 4571
Canola 65.3 77 69.7 831 Canola 15.3 35073
Chickpeas 1.7 2 1.3 15 Chickpeas 0.1 293
Corn 22.0 26 1.1 13 Corn 10.2 23472
Beans 5.9 7 3.3 39 Dry white beans and other dry beans 0.7 1706
Pea Beans 0.8 1 0.3 4 -
Lentils 0.0 0 15.8 188 Lentils 2.1 4854
Mustard 5.9 7 4.9 59 Mustard 0.4 1012
Oats 38.1 45 11.6 138 Oats 12.7 29018
Peas 27.1 32 31.1 371 Dry field peas 3.3 7460
Soybeans 28.0 33 9.3 111 Soybeans 11.9 27215
Other 13.6 16 4.4 53 -
Education % # % # Education % #
High school/secondary school certificate or equivalent 32.8 39 28.5 320 - N/A N/A
College or university certificate or diploma (less than Bachelors) 24.4 29 23.2 261 - N/A N/A
Trades certificate or diploma 19.3 23 16.2 182 - N/A N/A
Bachelor's degree 12.6 15 20.9 235 - N/A N/A
Did not complete high school/secondary school 9.2 11 6.6 74 - N/A N/A
Other 0.8 1 0.9 10 - N/A N/A
Post-graduate degree 0.8 1 3.7 42 - N/A N/A

Appenix 4: Harvest Sample Program response rate by region and commodity

Response rate by region and commodity, fiscal years 2010 to 2011 through 2014 to 2015
Commodity 2011 2012 2013 2014
- Sent Returned % Sent Returned % Sent Returned % Sent Returned %
Eastern -
Beans 2 1 50.00 2 1 50.00 31 0 0.00 31 0 0.00
Canola 57 5 8.77 57 161 282.46 35 2 5.71 40 51 127.50
CERS 119 30 25.21 138 46 33.33 154 40 25.97 179 31 17.32
CERW 45 22 48.89 62 66 106.45 77 44 57.14 79 34 43.04
CESRW 152 46 30.26 187 243 129.95 207 356 171.98 239 349 146.03
CEWW 30 11 36.67 40 45 112.50 44 47 106.82 51 43 84.31
Peabeans 7 3 42.86 7 3 42.86 9 0 0.00 9 3 33.33
Soybeans 342 41 11.99 342 393 114.91 444 254 57.21 520 428 82.31
Western -
Beans 25 5 20.00 35 18 51.43 45 7 15.56 45 6 13.33
Canola 2981 2062 69.17 3889 2640 67.88 4285 1679 39.18 5161 2295 44.47
Chickpeas 45 9 20.00 54 18 33.33 56 18 32.14 56 11 19.64
CPSR 297 51 17.17 338 61 18.05 378 86 22.75 559 229 40.97
CPSW 21 2 9.52 19 2 10.53 24 3 12.50 28 2 7.14
CWAD 1629 869 53.35 1963 1089 55.48 2066 950 45.98 2736 1374 50.22
CWES 12 2 16.67 12 2 16.67 16 1 6.25 7 0 0.00
CWGP 11 3 27.27 18 8 44.44 25 17 68.00 80 46 57.50
CWHWS 169 22 13.02 186 23 12.37 210 10 4.76 171 21 12.28
CWRS 5734 3354 58.49 6988 4156 59.47 7722 3267 42.31 9088 4941 54.37
CWRW 191 80 41.88 257 175 68.09 384 125 32.55 458 174 37.99
CWSWSCWSWS 100 36 36.00 111 57 51.35 171 79 46.20 218 48 22.02
Flax 834 181 21.70 893 214 23.96 967 86 8.89 1178 272 23.09
Lentils 266 331 124.44 378 347 91.80 462 212 45.89 462 384 83.12
Mustard 370 178 48.11 401 148 36.91 414 100 24.15 497 294 59.15
Peabeans 25 36 144.00 28 49 175.00 29 0 0.00 29 2 6.90
Peas 544 307 56.43 719 359 49.93 828 346 41.79 828 476 57.49
Soybeans 171 65 38.01 204 126 61.76 217 74 34.10 352 126 35.80
Total 14179 7752 54.67 17328 10450 60.31 19300 7803 40.43 23101 11640 50.39

Appenix 5: List of documents reviewed

  1. Canadian Grain Commission, 2005-2006 Harvest Survey Program Review
  2. Canadian Grain Commission, 2006 Harvest Survey Management Action Plan Review
  3. Canadian Grain Commission, 2006 Proposed Sampling Strategy for Harvest Survey
  4. Canadian Grain Commission, 2008 to 2009 Cargo Data vs. Harvest Data Comparison
  5. Canadian Grain Commission, 2008 to 2011 Harvest Sample Summary
  6. Canadian Grain Commission, 2010-11 Report on Plans and Priorities
  7. Canadian Grain Commission, 2011-12 Report on Plans and Priorities
  8. Canadian Grain Commission, 2012-13 Report on Plans and Priorities
  9. Canadian Grain Commission, 2013-14 Report on Plans and Priorities
  10. Canadian Grain Commission, 2014-15 Report on Plans and Priorities
  11. Canadian Grain Commission, 2015-16 Report on Plans and Priorities
  12. Canadian Grain Commission, Harvest Survey Collection Summary, August 2011
  13. Canadian Grain Commission, Harvest Survey Collection Summary, August 2012
  14. Canadian Grain Commission, Harvest Survey Collection Summary, October 2013
  15. Canadian Grain Commission, Harvest Survey Collection Summary, December 2014
  16. Canadian Grain Commission, 2010-11 Departmental Performance Report
  17. Canadian Grain Commission, 2011-12 Departmental Performance Report
  18. Canadian Grain Commission, 2012-13 Departmental Performance Report
  19. Canadian Grain Commission, 2013-14 Departmental Performance Report
  20. Canadian Grain Commission, 2014-15 Departmental Performance Report
  21. Canadian Grain Commission, Canadian Wheat Classes. Last update 2015-08-05. Retrieved from:
  22. Canadian Grain Commission, Wheat methods and tests used to measure quality. Accessed January 2016:
  23. Canadian Grain Commission, Follow-up Report on Harvest Sample Program (HSP) Review 2005-2006. May 2011
  24. Canadian International Grains Institute, "Cigi, CGC, and Cereals Canada meeting with wheat customers worldwide to discuss new crop". November 12, 2015
  25. Canadian Grain Commission, Harvest Sample Program Logic Model, September 29, 2015
  26. Canadian Grain Commission, Harvest Survey Review, Draft March 19, 2004
  27. Canadian Grain Commission, Quality Data of Western Canadian Wheat, 2015. Accessed December 2015:
  28. Canadian Grain Commission, Quality Data of Western Canadian Canola, 2015. Accessed December 2015:
  29. Canadian Grain Commission, Quality Data of Western Canadian Flaxseed, 2015. Accessed December 2015:
  30. Canadian Grain Commission, Quality Data of Western Canadian Lentils, 2015. Accessed December 2015:
  31. Canadian Grain Commission, Quality of Barley Selected for Malting, 2015. Accessed December 2015:
  32. Canadian Grain Commission, Quality of Western Canadian Peas, 2015. Accessed December 2015:
  33. Canadian Grain Commission, The Harvest Survey: An 88 year Tradition of Quality Evaluation, PowerPoint Presentation. Last updated September 2015
  34. Canadian Grain Commission, 2010 to 2011 Harvest Survey Expenses
  35. Canadian Grain Commission, 2011 to 2012 Year to Date Expenses
  36. Canadian Grain Commission, 2012 to 2013 Year to Date Expenses
  37. Canadian Grain Commission, 2013 to 2014 Year to Date Expenses
  38. Canadian Grain Commission, 2014 to 2015 Year to Date Expenses
  39. Canadian Grain Commission, 2015 to 2016 Year to Date Expenses
  40. Ipsos Reid, 2001 Producer Opinion Survey Final Report, March 1, 2001
  41. Ipsos Reid, 2002 Customer Satisfaction Study Industry Report. December 16, 2002
  42. Ipsos Reid, 2010 Canadian Grain Commission Satisfaction Survey: Final Report. December 2010
  43. Lyman, G. J. Examination of Methods of Harvest Survey Sample Preparation and Cargo Composite Sample Preparation with Brief Notes on Compliance with ISO 17025. March 2009
  44. Ministry of Justice Canada, Canada Grain Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. G-10. Last amended on July 30, 2015. Section 3, Para. 14. Pg. 10. Retrieved from:
  45. Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Policy on Evaluation (2009). Retrieved from:

Appenix 6: List of literature reviewed

  1. AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds.-Cereal Quality Survey 2015 Final Results
  2. AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds. AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds: Independence, Innovation and Investment.
  3. AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds. Cereal Quality Calculator.
  4. AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds. Cereals Quality Survey Methodology.
  5. Arvalis – Institut du vegetal.Valeurs et Missions.
  6. Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre.2014 Australian Wheat Quality Report.
  7. Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre.Capability Statement.
  8. Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre.Home.
  9. Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre, GrainGrowers. Australian Wheat Quality Report: Season 2014.
  10. California Wheat Commission.2014 Hard Red Wheat / Hard White Wheat Crop Quality Report.
  11. California Wheat Commission. About the California Wheat Commission.
  12. California Wheat Commission. California Wheat Crop Quality Reports. Http://Www.Californiawheat.Org/Industry/Ca-Crop-Quality-Reports/
  13. Canadian International Grains Institute. 2015 Crop In Review.
  14. Canadian International Grains Institute. Annual Report 2014-2015.
  15. Canadian International Grains Institute, Quality of 2015 Wheat Classes, pg. 2.
  16. FranceAgrimer, Missions.
  17. FranceAgriMer. Quality of French Wheat.
  18. Grain Farmers of Ontario, 2013 Annual Report.
  19. Grain Farmers of Ontario, 2013 Ontario Quality Scoop Report.
  20. Grain Farmers of Ontario, 2015 Annual Report.
  21. Grain Farmers of Ontario, Quality Data: Ontario Wheat Technical Information, Quality Data for 2015 Harvest Survey Grade Composite Samples.
  22. Grain Trade Australia. About Grain Trade Australia.
  23. Grain Trade Australia. Strategic Direction 2014/2015.
  24. GrainGrowers. Australian Wheat Quality Report Sample Information.
  25. Great Plains Analytical Lab. About Us.
  26. Great Plains Analytical Lab. Crop Survey Info.
  27. Gwirtz, J. A., Willyard, M. R., & McFall, K. L. (2007). Wheat quality in the United States of America. Future of Flour - A Compendium of Flour Improvement
  28. North Dakota Wheat Commission. 2014 U.S. Hard Red Spring Wheat Regional Quality Report.
  29. North Dakota Wheat Commission, About Us: Programs.
  30. North Dakota Wheat Commission. Publications.
  31. Plains Grains Inc. About Us. Accessed October. 2015.
  32. Plains Grains Inc. 2015 Hard Red Winter Wheat Regional Quality Survey.
  33. Plains Grains Inc. Our Product. Accessed January, 2016.
  34. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. (1989). The French (EC) grain system. Grain Quality in International Trade, 49-78
  35. U.S. Grains Council, Corn Harvest Quality and Export Cargo Reports.
  36. U.S. Grains Council. 2015/2016 Corn Harvest Quality Report.
  37. U.S. Grains Council. Grain Quality and U.S. Standards.
  38. U.S. Grains Council, Who We Are: Council FAQs.
  39. U.S. Grains Council, Who We Are: US Grains Council Activities.
  40. United States Department of Agriculture Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration. Federal grain inspection service: 2014 annual report.
  41. United States Department of Agriculture Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration. Grain inspection handbook.
  42. US Department of Agriculture, Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration, About FGIS.
  43. US Department of Agriculture, Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration, About GIPSA.
  44. US Department of Agriculture Research Service.
  45. U.S. Wheat Associates. 2015 Crop Quality Report.$File/CQR2015.pdf?OpenElement#
  46. U.S. Wheat Associates. About Us. Accessed September 8, 2015.
  47. U.S. Wheat Associates. Crop Quality Reports. Accessed September 8, 2015.
  48. U.S. Wheat Associates. Harvest Reports. Accessed September 8, 2015.
  49. U.S. Wheat Associates. U.S. Durum Wheat Regional Quality Report 2015.$File/durum2015.pdf?OpenElement#
  50. U.S. Wheat Associates. Working with Customers. Accessed September 8, 2015.

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