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Apply for a grain company licence


If the Canadian Grain Commission has determined that your grain company must be licensed, you must apply for a grain dealer or primary, process or terminal elevator licence. There is a fee to become a licensed grain company.

Before you apply

Before you may apply for a grain company licence, the Canadian Grain Commission must determine if your grain company must be licensed.

If your grain company must be licensed, the Canadian Grain Commission will determine what class of licence you need and notify you.


Completing the application form

To apply for a grain company licence, complete the application form for the class of licence you need and submit the required documentation. Inaccurate or missing information may delay issuance of your licence. Submit your completed application form and other documentation to

Providing the required documents for your licence class

The Canadian Grain Commission needs different documentation if your company needs a grain dealer or primary, process or terminal elevator licence. The business name as incorporated or registered must be consistent on all your application documents.

Submitting your application documents

Email your forms and documentation to the Canadian Grain Commission as you complete them. Don’t wait until you have collected all the necessary documents. The Canadian Grain Commission will work with you to help you submit all the information needed to issue your licence. Keep a copy of your completed forms on file for future reference.

Forms and documentation can be emailed to

Grain dealer licence

Once the draft grain receipt and draft cash purchase ticket have been reviewed and approved, the Canadian Grain Commission will request a voided, numbered grain receipt and cash purchase ticket.

Primary elevator licence

Once the draft cash purchase ticket and draft primary elevator receipt have been reviewed and approved, the Canadian Grain Commission will request a voided, numbered cash purchase ticket and primary elevator receipt.

Process elevator licence

Once the draft grain receipt and draft cash purchase ticket have been reviewed and approved, the Canadian Grain Commission will request a voided, numbered grain receipt and cash purchase ticket.

Terminal elevator licence

  • Completed application form for terminal elevator licence (PDF - 19 kb)
  • Articles of Incorporation or Letters Patent Incorporating, including any supplementary Letters Patent, Articles of Continuation, Articles of Amalgamation, Articles and Amendment
  • Audited year-end financial statements including the signature of a company director
  • Copy of current Device Examination Certificate(s) from Measurement Canada for your elevator’s shipping and receiving weigh scales
  • Approved equipment for grain sampling, inspection, weighing, drying and cleaning

After you've applied

The Canadian Grain Commission will be in contact with you during the application process, and will work with you to complete your application.

Providing security

The amount of security your company must provide will be communicated after the Canadian Grain Commission has received your application form and reviewed your financial statements. Your licence will not be issued until you have provided the required amount of security.

Paying your licence fee

The Canadian Grain Commission will notify you of the amount of your licence fee after receiving your application. New licensees are assessed a full-term licence fee. The fee is calculated by multiplying the monthly licensing rate by the number of months of the anticipated licence term.

You may pay by cheque, American Express, MasterCard or Visa. Credit card payments can be made over the phone. Credit card payments for licence fees over $5,000 will be processed over multiple transactions. Once a credit card payment is processed, the Canadian Grain Commission destroys all credit card information. Cheques should be made payable to the Receiver General for Canada and mailed to:

Licensing and Security
800-303 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3G8

Receiving your licence

Once the Canadian Grain Commission has received payment for your licence fee, your licence will be emailed to you as a PDF. Your company will be listed on this website as a licensed grain company within 3 days of your licence being issued.

Contact us

For more information about grain company licences and exemptions, contact Licensing and Security.

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