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Quality of Canada Western Red Spring wheat exports in the 2023-2024 crop year

The Canadian Grain Commission monitors the quality of wheat export cargoes to ensure that they meet customer expectations. Cargo monitoring gives us an indication of how effective our quality assurance system and grade standards are in ensuring consistent quality from year to year for each class and grade of wheat that is shipped. We also use cargo monitoring to determine how well our Harvest Sample Program analyses predict the quality of subsequent cargo shipments.

Quarterly reports

Aggregate samples of wheat export shipments are prepared each quarter from loading samples, based on class, grade and shipment direction, and are analyzed according to our standard procedures and methods. Our quarterly reports present the average quality of export cargoes of Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) from the 2023-24 crop year, which began on August 1, 2023, and ended on July 31, 2024.

2023-2024 Quarterly Cargo Summary

Quarter 1, 2, 3 and 4 export cargo aggregate samples of CWRS wheat had good wheat, milling and functional qualities for all grades analyzed. Wheat was sound and had high values for test weight, weight per 1000 kernels and protein content. All grades analyzed showed very strong milling yields on a Bühler laboratory mill (76% or higher on a clean wheat basis), bright colour and low ash content typical for CWRS wheat. Dough had very strong but balanced properties, as measured by Farinograph and Extensograph tests. Baking tests produced good loaf volumes.

Quarter 4: May 1, 2024 to July 31, 2024

Fourth quarter aggregates were made from loading samples of export shipments in the months of May, June and July of 2024.

Wheat, No. 1 and 2 Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS), fourth quarter export cargo aggregates by grade 2023-24 crop yearFootnote 1

Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Test weight, kg/hL 83.0 82.7 82.6 82.1
Weight per 1000 kernels, g 36.6 35.6 36.3 36.2
Protein content, % 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7
Protein content, % (dry matter basis) 15.4 15.6 15.8 15.9
Ash content, % 1.40 1.39 1.36 1.35
Falling Number, seconds 385 363 381 401
Milling flour yield - Bühler laboratory mill
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Clean wheat basis, % 76.8 76.7 76.6 76.3
Flour, extraction (%) for analysis
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Protein content, % 12.8 12.7 13.0 12.8 13.2
Wet gluten content, % 33.4 33.5 34.6 34.2 35.3
Gluten index, % 97.3 96.1 97.7 97.3 96.4
Ash content, % 0.42 0.43 0.43 0.39 0.43
Dough sheet (water) brightness (L*) at 2h Footnote 2 76.2 76.0 76.3 77.1 75.6
Dough sheet (water) redness (a*) at 2h Footnote 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.6 2.0
Dough sheet (water) yellowness (b*) at 2h Footnote 2 25.2 25.6 25.2 25.8 25.8
Starch damage, % 8.2 8.1 8.1 7.9 8.1
Amylograph peak viscosity, BU 513 432 497 584 531
Farinogram, 50 g bowl
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Absorption, % 63.1 63.3 64.2 63.6 64.0
Dough development time, minutes 7.3 7.9 5.4 8.3 7.0
Stability, minutes 12.6 10.3 9.5 20.9 12.4
Mixing tolerance index, BU 22 32 19 18 19
Farinogram, 300 g bowl
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Absorption, % 64.1 63.9 65.3 64.5 65.3
Dough development time, minutes 5.6 4.6 7.3 7.9 6.7
Stability, minutes 15.8 15.1 15.1 44.5 13.7
Mixing tolerance index, BU 10 10 20 11 18
ExtensogramFootnote 3 (135 minutes)
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Maximum resistance, BU 661 607 694 864 651
Extensibility (length), cm 19.3 19.9 19.8 18.0 19.5
Area, cm2 160 153 172 186 157
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
P (maximum over pressure), mm H2O 116 115 122 127 118
L (length), mm 116 124 113 110 119
P/L 1.00 0.93 1.08 1.16 0.99
W (deformation energy), 10-4 joules 467 480 467 479 468
le (elasticity index), % 63.8 64.0 62.6 62.5 62.4
Baking (Canadian short process)
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Absorption, % 67 67 68 68 68
Mixing time, minutes 5.5 6.0 5.3 5.5 5.2
Mixing energy, Wh/kg 12.7 15.2 12.8 13.5 12.9
Loaf volume, cm3/100 g flour 997 979 1018 1006 1017
Baking (Sponge and Dough)
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Absorption, % NAFootnote 4 NA 64 64 NA
Mixing time, minutes NA NA 4.1 4.3 NA
Mixing energy, Wh/kg NA NA 8.0 8.0 NA
Loaf volume, cm3/100 g flour NA NA 1121 1078 NA

Quarter 3: February 1, 2024 to April 30, 2024

Third quarter cargo aggregates were made from loading samples of export shipments in the months of February, March, April of 2024.

Wheat, No. 1 and 2 Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS), third quarter export cargo aggregates by grade 2023-24 crop yearFootnote 1

Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Test weight, kg/hL 83.3 82.9 82.7 82.9
Weight per 1000 kernels, g 35.5 34.0 37.1 36.1
Protein content, % 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7
Protein content, % (dry matter basis) 15.8 15.9 15.9 15.8
Ash content, % 1.41 1.45 1.37 1.38
Falling Number, seconds 337 352 391 365
Particle size index, % 48 48 48 49
Milling flour yield - Bühler laboratory mill
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Clean wheat basis, % 77.1 77.3 77.0 76.4
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Protein content, % 12.7 13.0 13.0 12.6 12.9
Wet gluten content, % 33.1 34.7 35.4 34.4 34.4
Gluten index, % 97.0 96.2 94.7 96.5 97.1
Ash content, % 0.44 0.45 0.43 0.39 0.43
Dough sheet (water) brightness (L*) at 2h Footnote 2 76.0 75.3 76.0 77.1 75.9
Dough sheet (water) redness (a*) at 2h Footnote 2 1.8 2.1 2.0 1.6 1.9
Dough sheet (water) yellowness (b*) at 2h Footnote 2 25.4 25.1 25.5 25.3 25.3
Starch damage, % 7.5 7.6 7.8 7.7 7.6
Amylograph peak viscosity, BU 469 400 465 553 478
Farinogram, 50 g bowl
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 62.5 62.3 64.0 63.8 63.6
Dough development time, minutes 7.4 7.3 7.7 6.7 7.3
Stability, minutes 11.7 10.2 11.4 20.9 10.1
Mixing tolerance index, BU 28 32 27 15 27
Farinogram, 300 g bowl
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 63.3 63.7 65.1 64.5 64.7
Dough development time, minutes 6.5 6.2 8.2 8.5 5.7
Stability, minutes 14.9 12.2 14.8 42.6 14.7
Mixing tolerance index, BU 15 22 20 9 16
ExtensogramFootnote 3 (135 minutes)
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Maximum resistance, BU 645 588 676 792 617
Extensibility (length), cm 19.8 21.1 19.3 18.2 20.4
Area, cm2 160 158 161 176 158
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
P (maximum over pressure), mm H2O 113 104 119 129 117
L (length), mm 119 135 119 107 126
P/L 0.95 0.77 1.00 1.21 0.93
W (deformation energy), 10-4 joules 455 451 480 476 479
le (elasticity index), % 63.3 62.1 63.1 62.1 62.0
Baking (Canadian short process)
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 67 66 68 66 68
Mixing time, minutes 5.6 5.2 5.1 5.3 4.9
Mixing energy, Wh/kg 13.1 13.2 12.1 13.2 11.4
Loaf volume, cm3/100 g flour 1087 1158 1085 1127 1138
Baking (Sponge and Dough)
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % NA Footnote 4 NA 64 64 NA
Mixing time, minutes NA NA 4.6 5.1 NA
Mixing energy, Wh/kg NA NA 8.3 10.4 NA
Loaf volume, cm3/100 g flour NA NA 1032 995 NA

Quarter 2: November 1, 2023 to January 31, 2024

Second quarter cargo aggregates were made from loading samples of export shipments in the months of November and December of 2023 and January of 2024.

Wheat, No. 1 and 2 Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS), second quarter export cargo aggregates by grade 2023-24 crop yearFootnote 1

Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Test weight, kg/hL 83.3 83.1 82.9 82.6
Weight per 1000 kernels, g 36.5 36.3 34.7 36.0
Protein content, % 13.8 13.9 13.6 13.9
Protein content, % (dry matter basis) 16.0 16.0 15.8 16.1
Ash content, % 1.43 1.44 1.38 1.48
Falling Number, seconds 385 353 381 387
Particle size index, % 50 51 52 51
Milling flour yield - Bühler laboratory mill
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Clean wheat basis, % 76.9 76.6 76.7 76.4
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Protein content, % 12.9 12.9 13.0 12.8 12.9
Wet gluten content, % 34.3 34.2 34.6 34.8 34.6
Gluten index, % 97.2 97.9 95.3 97.1 96.9
Ash content, % 0.42 0.41 0.40 0.38 0.40
Dough sheet (water) brightness (L*) at 2h Footnote 2 76.2 75.7 76.4 77.0 76.0
Dough sheet (water) redness (a*) at 2h Footnote 2 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.9
Dough sheet (water) yellowness (b*) at 2h Footnote 2 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.5 25.6
Starch damage, % 7.9 8.0 8.0 7.3 8.1
Amylograph peak viscosity, BU 508 461 502 538 465
Farinogram, 50 g bowl
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 63.4 63.3 64.7 63.4 64.4
Dough development time, minutes 7.4 7.7 6.7 9.9 7.2
Stability, minutes 11.0 10.4 10.3 24.6 9.8
Mixing tolerance index, BU 24 30 22 12 33
Farinogram, 300 g bowl
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 64.4 64.8 65.9 64.5 65.7
Dough development time, minutes 7.7 7.0 5.9 7.5 5.0
Stability, minutes 15.0 13.6 14.6 44.3 13.9
Mixing tolerance index, BU 19 23 14 8 12
Extensogram (135 minutes)Footnote 3
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Maximum resistance, BU 712 694 649 807 612
Extensibility (length), cm 18.8 20.2 19.7 18.8 19.7
Area, cm2 167 175 160 188 154
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
P (maximum over pressure), mm H2O 125 120 133 130 131
L (length), mm 116 125 110 113 116
P/L 1.08 0.96 1.21 1.15 1.13
W (deformation energy), 10-4 joules 494 500 498 507 508
le (elasticity index), % 63.4 63.1 62.8 63.5 62.7
Baking (Canadian short process)
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 67 67 68 67 67
Mixing time, minutes 5.6 5.7 5.0 5.4 4.9
Mixing energy, Wh/kg 15.2 16.9 13.1 14.1 13.5
Loaf volume, cm3/100 g flour 1034 1023 1042 1057 1013
Baking (Sponge and Dough)
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % NAFootnote 4 NA 64 63 NA
Mixing time, minutes NA NA 4.3 4.3 NA
Mixing energy, Wh/kg NA NA 6.7 7.8 NA
Loaf volume, cm3/100 g flour NA NA 1102 1070 NA

Quarter 1: August 1, 2023 to October 31, 2023

First quarter cargo aggregates were made from loading samples of export shipments in the months of August, September, October of 2023.

Wheat, No. 1 and 2 Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS), first quarter export cargo aggregates by grade 2023-24 crop yearFootnote 1

Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Test weight, kg/hL 83.6 83.3 83.4 82.7
Weight per 1000 kernels, g 36.1 34.3 31.7 33.4
Protein content, % 14.2 13.9 13.8 13.8
Protein content, % (dry matter basis) 16.5 16.1 15.9 16.0
Ash content, % 1.57 1.53 1.43 1.44
Falling Number, seconds 421 360 391 415
Particle size index, % 51 52 54 51
Milling flour yield - Bühler laboratory mill
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
Clean wheat basis, % 76.5 76.4 77.0 76.7
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Protein content, % 13.3 13.1 13.1 13.0 13.1
Wet gluten content, % 36.5 34.7 35.6 34.6 35.2
Gluten index, % 93.5 96.4 96.8 97.4 95.6
Ash content, % 0.45 0.44 0.42 0.38 0.42
Dough sheet (water) brightness (L*) at 2h Footnote 2 76.2 76.1 76.5 77.4 76.2
Dough sheet (water) redness (a*) at 2h Footnote 2 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.6 1.9
Dough sheet (water) yellowness (b*) at 2h Footnote 2 25.7 25.4 25.5 25.7 25.2
Starch damage, % 7.9 8.1 8.1 7.6 8.2
Amylograph peak viscosity, BU 561 518 559 645 535
Farinogram, 50 g bowl
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 64.0 63.3 64.4 63.9 64.0
Dough development time, minutes 6.5 7.5 7.7 8.3 6.8
Stability, minutes 9.6 11.1 9.8 20.1 10.2
Mixing tolerance index, BU 24 27 28 15 26
Farinogram, 300 g bowl
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 65.0 64.7 65.5 65.1 65.4
Dough development time, minutes 7.5 6.4 7.8 8.4 6.0
Stability, minutes 14.8 14.8 15.2 43.0 15.3
Mixing tolerance index, BU 14 14 14 10 14
Extensogram (135 minutes)Footnote 3
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Maximum resistance, BU 619 638 674 771 631
Extensibility (length), cm 19.7 19.9 19.0 19.2 19.6
Area, cm2 153 160 160 183 154
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
P (maximum over pressure), mm H2O 108 116 127 134 128
L (length), mm 132 125 120 112 114
P/L 0.82 0.93 1.06 1.20 1.12
W (deformation energy), 10-4 joules 453 474 505 509 488
le (elasticity index), % 61.2 62.1 62.2 62.3 62.3
Baking (Canadian short process)
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 68 67 68 68 68
Mixing time, minutes 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.2 5.1
Mixing energy, Wh/kg 13.1 13.1 13.0 13.7 13.7
Loaf volume, cm3/100 g flour 1019 1001 1040 1033 1006
Baking (Sponge and Dough)
Quality parameter Atlantic
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
No. 1 CWRS
No. 2 CWRS
74% extraction 74% extraction 74% extraction 60% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % NAFootnote 4 NA 63 63 NA
Mixing time, minutes NA NA 4.1 4.2 NA
Mixing energy, Wh/kg NA NA 6.7 6.9 NA
Loaf volume, cm3/100 g flour NA NA 1048 1045 NA

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