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Quality of Canada Western Amber Durum wheat exports in the 2023-24 crop year

The Canadian Grain Commission monitors the quality of wheat export cargoes to ensure that they meet customer expectations. Cargo monitoring gives us an indication of how effective our quality assurance system and grade standards are in ensuring consistent quality from year to year for each class and grade of wheat that is shipped. We also use cargo monitoring to determine how well our Harvest Sample Program analyses predicts the quality of subsequent cargo shipments.

Quarterly reports

Aggregate samples of wheat export shipments are prepared each quarter from loading samples, based on class, grade and shipment direction, and are analyzed according to our standard procedures and methods. Our quarterly reports present the average quality of export cargoes of Canada Western Amber Durum (CWAD) wheat from the 2023-24 crop year, which began on August 1, 2023, and ended on July 31, 2024.

2023-2024 Quarterly Cargo Summary

Quarter 1, 2, 3 and 4 export cargo aggregate samples of CWAD wheat had high values for test weight, hard vitreous kernel (HVK) content, protein content, and superior Falling Number values for all grades analyzed. Wheat had medium to medium large kernel size based on weight per 1000 kernels. All grades analyzed showed good milling performance and produced high yields of semolina with large granulation, low ash content, and minimal speck count numbers. CWAD aggregate samples had strong but balanced gluten properties as measured by gluten index and Alveogram parameters. Pasta had bright yellow color, firm texture and superior cooking quality for all grades.

Quarter 4: May 1, 2024 to July 31, 2024

No. 1 and No. 2 CWAD cargo aggregates were made from loading samples of export shipments in the months of May, June, and July of 2024. No. 3 CWAD cargo aggregates were made from loading samples of export shipments from February to July of 2024.

Wheat, No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 Canada Western Amber Durum (CWAD), fourth quarter export cargo aggregates by grade 2023-24 crop yearFootnote 1

Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Test weight, kg/hL 82.2 81.3 81.6
Weight per 1000 kernels, g 37.0 39.2 38.0
Vitreous kernels, % 85 86 87
Protein content, % 14.4 14.6 14.4
Ash content, % 1.52 1.53 1.50
Falling Number, seconds 446 367 450
Milling - Allis-Chalmers mill
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Total milling yield, % 72.7 72.7 72.2
Semolina yield, % 64.8 64.9 64.3
SemolinaFootnote 2
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Protein content, % 13.8 13.9 13.8
Protein loss, % 0.6 0.7 0.6
Wet gluten content, % 32.7 32.6 32.4
Gluten index, % 84 86 84
Ash content, % 0.75 0.77 0.74
Yellow pigment content, ppm 10.0 10.1 10.1
Yellowness, b* 32.0 31.8 31.3
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
> 425 μm, % 9.2 8.6 8.8
> 250 μm, % 57.0 58.4 57.7
> 180 μm, % 20.0 19.7 19.6
> 150 μm, % 5.9 5.6 5.8
< 150 μm, % 8.0 7.7 8.1
Semolina speck count per 50 cm2
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Total specks 9 14 14
Dark specks 1 2 2
Large specks (≥ 0.06 mm2) 4 8 7
AlveogramFootnote 3
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
P (maximum over pressure), mm H2O 91 93 87
L (length), mm 94 91 98
P/L 0.97 1.02 0.89
W (deformation energy), 10-4 joules 250 254 244
le (elasticity Index), % 49.5 49.3 48.5
Spaghetti colour dried at 85°C
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Brightness, L* 69.6 69.1 69.2
Redness, a* 8.6 9.0 8.8
Yellowness, b* 62.7 62.6 62.4
Spaghetti texture dried at 85°C
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Peak cutting force, g 660 658 638
Dry strand diameter, mm 1.71 1.71 1.71
Cooked strand diameter, mm 2.48 2.49 2.48

Quarter 3: February 1, 2024 to April 30, 2024

Third quarter cargo aggregates were made from loading samples of export shipments in the months of February, March, April of 2024.

Wheat, No. 1 and 2 Canada Western Amber Durum (CWAD), third quarter export cargo aggregates by grade 2023-24 crop yearFootnote 1

Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Test weight, kg/hL 81.5 81.3
Weight per 1000 kernels, g 37.6 38.8
Vitreous kernels, % 89 82
Protein content, % 14.8 14.7
Ash content, % 1.52 1.52
Falling Number, seconds 411 370
Durum particle size index, % 39.7 41.1
Milling - Allis-Chalmers mill
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Total milling yield, % 73.5 73.5
Semolina yield, % 65.3 65.5
SemolinaFootnote 2
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Protein content, % 13.9 13.9
Protein loss, % 0.9 0.8
Wet gluten content, % 34.9 34.9
Gluten index, % 71 70
Ash content, % 0.76 0.77
Yellow pigment content, ppm 10.4 10.3
Yellowness, b* 32.4 32.0
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
> 425 μm, % 8.7 9.6
> 250 μm, % 58.4 57.7
> 180 μm, % 19.5 19.7
> 150 μm, % 6.1 5.9
< 150 μm, % 7.3 7.1
Semolina speck count per 50 cm2
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Total specks 17 18
Dark specks 2 4
Large specks (≥ 0.06 mm2) 8 9
AlveogramFootnote 3
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
P (maximum over pressure), mm H2O 89 87
L (length), mm 90 92
P/L 0.99 0.95
W (deformation energy), 10-4 joules 238 231
le (elasticity Index), % 48.7 47.6
Spaghetti colour dried at 85°C
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Brightness, L* 70.5 70.3
Redness, a* 6.7 6.8
Yellowness, b* 63.7 63.4
Spaghetti texture dried at 85°C
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Peak cutting force, g 661 682
Dry strand diameter, mm 1.72 1.72
Cooked strand diameter, mm 2.50 2.51

Quarter 2: November 1, 2023 to January 31, 2024

Second quarter cargo aggregates were made from loading samples of export shipments in the months of November and December of 2023 and January of 2024.

Wheat, No. 1, 2 and 3 Canada Western Amber Durum (CWAD), second quarter export cargo aggregates by grade 2023-24 crop yearFootnote 1

Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Test weight, kg/hL 81.4 81.5 81.8
Weight per 1000 kernels, g 38.5 36.0 35.1
Vitreous kernels, % 87 85 77
Protein content, % 15.1 15.2 14.6
Ash content, % 1.46 1.53 1.52
Falling Number, seconds 411 378 382
Durum particle size index, % 35.8 37.1 39.3
Milling - Allis-Chalmers mill
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Total milling yield, % 73.4 72.7 73.1
Semolina yield, % 65.7 65.1 65.1
SemolinaFootnote 2
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Protein content, % 14.0 14.0 13.8
Protein loss, % 1.1 1.2 0.8
Wet gluten content, % 34.0 34.3 33.1
Gluten index, % 76 75 74
Ash content, % 0.75 0.73 0.73
Yellow pigment content, ppm 10.5 10.3 10.3
Yellowness, b* 32.2 31.8 31.6
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
> 425 μm, % 9.5 9.3 8.7
> 250 μm, % 59.6 58.6 58.9
> 180 μm, % 18.4 18.6 18.9
> 150 μm, % 5.5 5.5 5.6
< 150 μm, % 7.0 8.0 7.8
Semolina speck count per 50 cm2
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Total specks 15 18 14
Dark specks 2 2 3
Large specks (≥ 0.06 mm2) 7 8 7
AlveogramFootnote 3
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
P (maximum over pressure), mm H2O 96 97 92
L (length), mm 90 94 95
P/L 1.07 1.03 0.97
W (deformation energy), 10-4 joules 255 262 252
le (elasticity Index), % 48.5 48.2 48.6
Spaghetti colour dried at 85°C
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Brightness, L* 70.0 70.2 70.1
Redness, a* 7.1 6.9 6.9
Yellowness, b* 63.1 63.4 63.0
Spaghetti texture dried at 85°C
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD No. 3 CWAD
Peak cutting force, g 618 631 575
Dry strand diameter, mm 1.72 1.71 1.71
Cooked strand diameter, mm 2.53 2.51 2.51

Quarter 1: August 1, 2023 to October 31, 2023

First quarter cargo aggregates were made from loading samples of export shipments in the months of August, September, October of 2023.

Wheat, No. 1 and 2 Canada Western Amber Durum (CWAD), first quarter export cargo aggregates by grade 2023-24 crop yearFootnote 1

Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Test weight, kg/hL 82.0 81.9
Weight per 1000 kernels, g 37.7 35.3
Vitreous kernels, % 88 85
Protein content, % 14.7 14.4
Ash content, % 1.57 1.56
Falling Number, seconds 477 456
Durum particle size index, % 37 37.7
Milling - Allis-Chalmers mill
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Total milling yield, % 73.5 73.5
Semolina yield, % 65.8 65.6
SemolinaFootnote 2
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Protein content, % 13.9 13.6
Protein loss, % 0.8 0.8
Wet gluten content, % 32.8 31.9
Gluten index, % 79 77
Ash content, % 0.77 0.75
Yellow pigment content, ppm 10.3 10.1
Yellowness, b* 32.0 31.8
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
> 425 μm, % 9.4 10.0
> 250 μm, % 59.3 58.3
> 180 μm, % 18.5 18.3
> 150 μm, % 5.5 5.6
< 150 μm, % 7.2 7.8
Semolina speck count per 50 cm2
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Total specks 14 13
Dark specks 1 2
Large specks (≥ 0.06 mm2) 7 6
AlveogramFootnote 3
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
P (maximum over pressure), mm H2O 98 96
L (length), mm 90 92
P/L 1.09 1.04
W (deformation energy), 10-4 joules 267 266
le (elasticity Index), % 49.5 49.4
Spaghetti colour dried at 85°C
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Brightness, L* 70.5 70.6
Redness, a* 6.8 6.7
Yellowness, b* 62.6 62.9
Spaghetti texture dried at 85°C
Quality parameter No. 1 CWAD No. 2 CWAD
Peak cutting force, g 628 600
Dry strand diameter, mm 1.71 1.72
Cooked strand diameter, mm 2.50 2.51

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