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Quality of Canadian Soybean, oilseed-type 2017

6. Chlorophyll and Free fatty acid content

Grade composites of Soybean, No. 1 Canada and Soybean, No. 2 Canada showed free fatty acid levels averaging 0.13% in 2017 (Table 1 and 3). This is similar to last year’s results (0.12%).

High free fatty acid values are mainly due to seed damage which results from exposure to moisture and oxygen, wet harvesting conditions and improper storage. Free fatty acid levels could increase during storage due to storage and environmental conditions.

Chlorophyll and Free fatty acid contents of the oil of the 2017 soybean survey by province and grade
Province Number of samples Chlorophyll Free Fatty AcidFootnote 1
Mg/Kg %, in oil
Soybean, No. 1 Canada and Soybean No. 2 Canada
Manitoba 104 0.5 0.17
Saskatchewan 31 1.2 0.09
Alberta 6 1.7 0.15
Western Canada 141 0.7 0.15
Ontario 209 0.3 0.12
Québec 58 0.2 0.13
Eastern CanadaFootnote 2 267 0.2 0.12
Prince Edward Island NA NA NA
New Brunswick 19 0.0 0.02
Nova Scotia NA NA NA
Maritimes 19 0.0 0.02
Canada 427 0.4 0.13
Soybean, No. 3
Western 5 2.8 0.13
Central and Maritimes NA NA NA
Canada 5 2.8 0.13
Soybean, No. 4
Western 2 4.8 0.11
Central and Maritimes 1 0.1 0.26
Canada 3 3.2 0.16
Soybean, No. 5
Western 1 5.8 0.03
Central and Maritimes 1 0.0 0.70
Canada 2 2.9 0.37
Soybean, All grades combined
Western Canada 149 0.9 0.15
Central and Maritimes 288 0.2 0.12
Canada 437 0.4 0.13

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