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Quality of western Canadian mustard 2016

Harvest samples

This year’s Harvest Sample Program included 344 samples, compared to 367 in 2015. This included 197 yellow, 46 brown and 101oriental mustard samples. Overall, 71% of the samples came from Saskatchewan, followed by 26% from Alberta and 3% from Manitoba.

Producers and grain companies that routinely handle mustard seed submitted samples of mustard grown in 2016 to the Canadian Grain Commission. The individual samples were cleaned to remove dockage and were graded by Canadian Grain Commission inspectors, following Chapter 12 of the Official Grain Grading Guide.

Oil and protein content on all individual whole-seed samples were determined by using a FOSS NIRSystems 6500 NIR spectrometer, calibrated to and verified against the appropriate listed reference methods. Total glucosinolate content was also determined on individual brown and oriental mustard samples. The reference procedures are listed under Oilseeds Methods.

Composite samples were analysed for oil, protein, total glucosinolate and chlorophyll content, as well as for fatty acid composition. Composites were prepared by combining No. 1 mustard samples by province and type and by combining No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 and Sample grades by western Canada and by type. Composites were also prepared for the most common mustard varieties.

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