Malting barley methods used to measure quality
At the Grain Research Laboratory, unless otherwise specified, analytical results for barley and malt are reported on a dry weight basis. The ASBC methods cited are those of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 14th Edition.
List of western Canadian malting barley methods and tests
- α-Amylase activity
α-Amylase activity was determined according to American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) method MALT 7C by segmented flow analysis, using ASBC dextrinized starch as the substrate, and calibrated with standards that have been determined by method ASBC Malt 7A.
- Arabinoxylan content
Total arabinoxylan content in grain was determined after acid hydrolysis by gas-chromatographic (GC) analysis of alditol acetates using a flame ionization detector.
- Assortment
Grain was passed through a Carter Dockage tester equipped with a No. 6 riddle to remove foreign material. Sorting of grain was conducted using the Pfeuffer Sortimat equipped with two slotted sieves: 7/64 inches (2.78 mm) and 6/64 inches (2.38 mm) x 3/4 inches.
- β-Glucan content in wort
β-Glucan content was determined in malt extract by segmented flow analysis using Calcofluor staining of soluble, high molecular weight ß-glucan (ASBC Wort-18B).
- β-Glucan content in grain
β-Glucan content was determined in ground barley using the Megazyme Streamlined Method – assay procedure for determination of mixed linkage β-glucan content in oat and barley flour (Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) Method 995.16, American Association for Cereal Chemistry (AACC) International Method 32-23, International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC) Standard Method No 168).
- Diastatic power
Diastatic power was determined by segmented flow analysis, using an automated neocuproin assay for reducing sugars that is calibrated using malt standards analysed following the official ferricyanide reducing sugar method (ASBC Malt 6A).
- Fine-grind and coarse-grind extracts
Extracts were prepared using an Industrial Equipment Corporation (IEC) mash bath and the Congress mashing procedure from 45°C to 70°C. Specific gravities are determined at 20°C with an Anton Paar DMA 5000M digital density meter (ASBC Malt-4).
- Free amino nitrogen (FAN)
Free amino nitrogen (FAN) was determined in fine extract by segmented flow analysis using the official ASBC method Wort-12.
- Germination energy
Germination energy was determined by placing 100 kernels of barley on two layers of Whatman No.1 filter paper in a 9.0 cm diameter petri dish and adding 4.0 ml of purified water. Samples were germinated at 20ºC and 90% relative humidity in a germination chamber. Germinated kernels were removed after 24 h and 48 h and a final count was made at 72 h (ASBC Barley 3C).
- Kolbach index (S/T)
Kolbach index was calculated using: (% soluble protein / % malt protein) x 100.
- Micromalting
Malts were prepared using an Automated Phoenix Micromalting System designed to handle 24 barley samples of 500 g or 48 barley samples of 250 g per batch.
- Malt mills
Fine grind malt was prepared using a Bühler-Miag disc mill set to fine grind. Coarse grind malt was prepared with the same mill set to coarse grind. The settings for fine and coarse grinds are calibrated quarterly, based on the screening of a ground ASBC standard check malt sample (ASBC Malt-4).
- Moisture content of barley
Moisture content of barley was predicted on dockage-free barley using the Foss InfratecTM 1241 whole grain near-infrared analyzer.
- Moisture content of malt
Moisture content of malt was determined on a ground sample by oven drying at 104ºC for 3 h (ASBC Malt-3).
- Protein content (nitrogen x 6.25)
Protein content was predicted on dockage-free barley using the Foss InfratecTM 1241 whole grain near-infrared analyzer. The InfratecTM 1241 performance is checked annually against the reference combustion nitrogen analysis (CNA) method. Annual reference check barley protein and malt protein was measured by CNA using a LECO Model FP-628 CNA analyzer calibrated by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Samples were ground on a UDY Cyclone Sample Mill fitted with a 1.0 mm screen. A moisture analysis was also performed with results reported on a dry matter basis (ASBC Barley 7C).
- Rapid visco analysis (RVA)
The degree of pre-germination in barley was determined as described by Izydorczyk (2005) Using RVA to measure pre-germination in barley and predict germination energy after storage. Samples were analyzed with the PerkinElmer RVA 4500 Rapid Visco Analyzer using the Stirring Number program. Final viscosity values are reported in Rapid Visco Units (RVU).
- Viscosity
Viscosity was measured on fine grind Congress Mash wort using an Anton Paar Lovis 2000 automated rolling ball viscometer (ASBC Wort-13B).
- Water sensitivity
Water sensitivity was determined as described for germination energy, except that 8.0 ml of purified water was added to each petri dish (ASBC 3C, IOB and EBC procedure). The water sensitivity value is the numerical difference between the 4 ml and 8 ml tests.
- Weight per thousand kernels
A 500 g sample of dockage-free barley was divided several times using a mechanical divider to obtain one representative sub-sample that weighed 40 g. All foreign material and broken kernels were removed from the 40 g portion and the net weight determined. The number of kernels were counted with a mechanical counter and the thousand kernel weight calculated (as is basis) (Institute of Brewing’s Recommended Methods of Analysis, Barley 1.3 (1997)).
- Wort-soluble protein
Wort-soluble protein was determined spectrophotometrically using ASBC method Wort-17.
- Wort colour
Wort colour was determined spectrophotometrically using ASBC methods Wort-9 and Beer-10.
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