Whitemarked spider beetle
Ptinus fur (L.)
Secondary pest; Grain feeder and scavenger
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Anobiidae
Acronym: PTI
- Adults are morphologically similar to other spider beetle species, notably the hairy spider beetle (Ptinus villiger).
- Adults can be separated from other spider beetles by examination of the setae on the elytra. On P. fur the setae on the elytra are equal in length; this is not the case in P. villiger.
- Larvae are grub like and white in colour.
Similar species
- Hairy spider beetle (Ptinus villiger)
- Other spider beetles
Commodities affected
- Affect flour, corn meal, bran, seeds, grain, pepper, cocoa, sugar
- Is a serious pest of zoological collections
- Is reported to feed on grain dust in terminal elevators
Signs of infestation
- Presence of webbed, granular material
- Irregular damage (chewed holes) to endosperm
- Damage results from accumulation of silk and granular material
How to control
Geographic range
- Is found worldwide and across Canada
- Is most abundant in British Columbia
Where found
- Feeds on a variety of dried and decaying animal and vegetable material
- Requires high humidity to effectively reproduce
- Is found mainly in warehouses and dwellings
- Is less frequently found in museums, granaries and grain elevators
Life history
- Females lay eggs in cracks and crevices around the food supply.
- Larvae may be somewhat gregarious and form feeding clusters of 3 to 4 individuals amongst several kernels glued together.
- Larvae secrete a silky substance to form a puparia.
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