Plaster beetle
Cartodere constricta (Gyllenhall)
Secondary pest; fungal feeder
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Latridiidae
Acronym: CCO
- Adults are very small, 1.3 to 2.0 mm long.
- Prothorax is constricted at midpoint and small relative to abdomen.
- Larvae are small, slender, flattened and mobile, no urogomphi are present.
Similar species
- Squarenosed fungus beetle (Lathridius minutus)
- Other Latridiidae, Cryptophagidae
Commodities affected
- As plaster beetles are fungal feeders, they do not directly attack the commodity, but are found associated with: stored grain, cereal products, wheat, oatmeal, flax, flour, buildings, cellars, mouldy cheeses, mouldy plant material and manure heaps.
Signs of infestation
- No specific signs of infestation other than possibly the presence of mould
- Do not cause direct damage to commodity
- Are an indication of infection with fungi and poor storage conditions
- Do not persist unless commodity remains damp
How to control
Geographic range
- Is found worldwide
- Is distributed throughout Canada
Life history
- Adults and larvae feed exclusively on fungi.
- Females lay eggs amongst the commodity.
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