Drugstore beetle
Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus)
Secondary pest; Grain feeder
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Anobiidae
Acronym: SPA
- Adults are oval and 2.5 to 3.0 mm long.
- Adults are reddish brown.
- Adults can be distinguished from the cigarette beetle by the presence of a 3 segmented club on the antennae and the presence of striated elytra. The elytra are covered in fine hairs.
- Adults are short-lived and feed little, if at all.
- Adults are able to fly.
- Larvae are white and covered in numerous hairs.
Similar species
- Cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne)
Commodities affected
- Spices, chocolate, seeds, flour, leather, feather pillows, dog food
- Grain and cereal products
Signs of infestation
- Contamination with larval cocoons
- Damage by adults and larvae to food and packaging caused by holes associated with pupation
- Contamination with larval cocoons, frass (excrement), dead adult beetles
- Larvae cause direct damage to the commodity by feeding on it.
- Larvae burrow into the food to pupate, causing irregular holes.
- Adults chew holes in commodity packaging when emerging from pupa.
How to control
Geographic range
- Is distributed worldwide, more often found in temperate climates
- Occurs throughout Canada and can survive winter in unheated structures
Where found
- May be found in dwellings, stores, bakeries, libraries, ships, mills, warehouses
- Is a general feeder that attacks nearly all dry plant and animal material
- Prefers vegetable matter that is rich in starch
- Is of minor importance in stored grain situations
- Is occasionally found in bee hives, feeding on pollen
Life history
- Adult beetles run quickly and fly well.
- Females lay eggs singly in crevices in the foodstuff.
- Larvae are internal feeders and are mobile initially, becoming immobile as they mature, reaching a length of 3 to 4 mm.
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