Supplementary Information Tables: 2023–24 Departmental Results Report
Gender-based analysis plus
In 2018, Parliament passed the Canadian Gender Budgeting Act. The departmental plans and departmental results reports are being used to fulfill the President of the Treasury Board’s obligations to make public, every year, analysis on the impacts of expenditure programs on gender and diversity.
Each organization is responsible for conducting their own Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus).
The Policy on Results indicates that Program officials, as designated by Deputy Heads, are responsible for ensuring data collection for meeting policy requirements.
All organizations must complete GBA Plus supplementary information tables in departmental plans and departmental results reports on an annual basis.
Section 1: Institutional GBA Plus governance and capacity
The Canadian Grain Commission is a small science-based and regulatory department with a focused mandate as set out in the Canada Grain Act to, in the interests of the grain producers, establish and maintain standards of quality for Canadian grain and regulate grain handling in Canada.
Despite being a small department, the Canadian Grain Commission has incrementally increased resources and collaborative cross-organizational efforts towards GBA Plus objectives. These efforts will continue to enhance a diverse and inclusive workplace that is representative of all Canadians.
Employment Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Plan: The Canadian Grain Commission actively pursued GBA Plus objectives from its 2021 to 2024 Employment Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Plan, which included a formal governance structure that reports to senior management. This multi-year plan was comprised of commitments to ensure:
- Effective leadership for employment equity and diversity, including planning, governance and accountability, monitoring, measurement, and reporting;
- Representation of designated group members is equal to or better than workforce availability as a result of Canadian Grain Commission efforts to eliminate barriers and address disadvantages in employment experienced by members of the four designated groups (Women, Visible Minorities, Indigenous Persons, and Persons with Disabilities); and
- Managers and employees understand and take action to ensure employment equity and to value and leverage diversity.
This multi-year plan aligns with GBA Plus objectives by identifying and bridging gaps in employment equity through intersectional analysis and aims to create more equitable outcomes by addressing biases and barriers. In 2023-24, the Canadian Grain Commission continued to seek ways to apply this commitment throughout the department:
- An active, employee-driven Canadian Grain Commission National Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee focused on communication, awareness and promotion. The committee released its third, quarterly Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion newsletter in October 2023 that outlined many of the new initiatives at the CGC in support of the Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion in the Federal Public Service.
- The Canadian Grain Commission hosted a diversity and inclusion speaker series that promoted awareness and open dialogue with eight sessions delivered to date.
- Participation continued in interdepartmental diversity, inclusion and accessibility networks and committees, including the federal government interdepartmental working group on Inclusive Science and the Indigenous Career Navigator Program.
- The Canadian Grain Commission continued to regularly analyze its workforce to measure and track progress toward recruitment and representation goals. Twice each year the Executive Management Committee receives a workforce analysis package that includes employment equity metrics, including progress towards goals. As all Canadian Grain Commission managers are expected to contribute to equitable and transparent opportunities for all diversity groups and individuals in the workforce, each division has an action plan to respond to areas of concern and trends from the 2022 Public Service Employee Survey.
- Guided by the Accessible Canada Act, the Canadian Grain Commission began implementing its 2023-2025 Accessibility Plan and publishing annual progress reports. The Canadian Grain Commission’s 2023 Accessibility Progress Report was published in December 2023 with a second Progress Report targeted for publication in December 2024.
Training and professional development: The Canadian Grain Commission has made unconscious bias training mandatory for all managers. In-house training was delivered in September 2023 to all managers and staffing competition board members about how to evaluate bias and barriers in selection processes. The Canadian Grain Commission is also assessing the Grain Inspector Development Program for bias and barriers. A Grain Inspector Development Program recruitment video was filmed and posted on the Canadian Grain Commission’s website.
Human resources (full-time equivalents) dedicated to GBA Plus: The Canadian Grain Commission had 0.25 full-time equivalents dedicated to working on GBA Plus during the 2023-24 fiscal year.
Section 2: Gender and diversity impacts, by program
Core Responsibility: Grain Regulation
Program Name: Grain Quality
Program Goals: The Grain Quality Program establishes and maintains Canada’s grain quality standards and regulates grain handling in Canada to ensure a dependable commodity for domestic and export markets. The Canadian Grain Commission continues to assess the broader impacts of the Grain Quality Program on gender and diversity through a review of the department’s support for GBA Plus objectives.
The Canadian Grain Commission implemented the Guidelines for Nomination of Standards Committee Members in 2017 and updated them in 2022 with a view to increasing the representativeness of Standards Committees. The guidelines aim to ensure an open, transparent, and merit-based nomination process that supports inclusiveness and diversity. Starting in 2022, the Canadian Grain Commission included voluntary self-identification as part of the process.
Target population: The Canadian agriculture industry and farmers
Program Name: Grain Research
Program Goals: Research forms the basis of the Canadian grain grade specifications and Canada’s grain quality assurance system. Through the Grain Research Program, the Canadian Grain Commission undertakes and sponsors a wide range of research on grain and grain products. The Canadian Grain Commission continues to assess the impacts of the Grain Research Program on gender and diversity through a review of the department’s support for GBA Plus objectives.
Target population: The Canadian Grain Commission’s Grain Quality Program and the agriculture industry
Program Name: Safeguards for Grain Farmers
Program Goals: Through the Safeguards for Grain Farmers Program, the Canadian Grain Commission regulates grain handling to ensure that Canadian producers receive fair compensation when they deliver grain to licensed grain companies. The Canadian Grain Commission continues to assess the impacts of the Safeguards for Grain Farmers Program on gender and diversity through a review of the department’s support for GBA Plus objectives.
Target population: Canadian agriculture industry and farmers
Specific demographic group outcomes
Not available.
Key program impacts on gender and diversity
Not available.
GBA Plus data collection plan
In 2023-24, the Canadian Grain Commission continued to assess program impacts on gender and diversity. The department is committed to developing a GBA Plus plan for the 2024-25 Departmental Results Report.
Response to parliamentary committees and external audits
Response to parliamentary committees
There were no parliamentary committee reports in 2023–24 requiring a response.
Response to audits conducted by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada (including audits conducted by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development)
There were no audits in 2023–24 requiring a response.
Response to audits conducted by the Public Service Commission of Canada or the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
There were no audits in 2023–24 requiring a response.
United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals
Canadian Grain Commission
Information on the Canadian Grain Commission’s contributions to the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals can be found in the Canadian Grain Commission’s Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy Report.
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