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Supplementary Information (Tables) 2016-2017

Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

Overview of the federal government’s approach to sustainable development

The 2013–16 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) presents the Government of Canada’s sustainable development activities, as required by the Federal Sustainable Development Act. In keeping with the objectives of the Act to make environmental decision making more transparent and accountable to Parliament, the Canadian Grain Commission supports the implementation of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy through the activities described in this supplementary information table.

Our Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

This Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy describes the Canadian Grain Commission’s actions in support of Theme IV: shrinking the environmental footprint, beginning with government. The report for 2016–17 presents a high level overview of results and is the final report under the 2013–16 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy. Last year’s report is available on the departmental website.

Departmental performance highlights

Theme IV: shrinking the environmental footprint, beginning with government

Under Theme IV, the Canadian Grain Commission contributed to the 2013–16 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy through the green procurement implementation strategies for Goal 7: waste and asset management.

Federal Sustainable Development Strategy goal Federal Sustainable Development Strategy target Federal Sustainable Development Strategy performance indicator Federal Sustainable Development Strategy performance results
Goal 7: waste and asset management
Reduce waste generated, and minimize the environmental impacts of assets throughout their life cycle.
Target 7.2: green procurement
As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into public procurement, in accordance with the federal Policy on Green Procurement.
Departmental approach to further the implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement in place -yes The Canadian Grain Commission’s green procurement plan was approved and implemented in 2009. The plan was reviewed and updated in 2014-15.
Number and percentage of specialists in procurement and/or material management who have completed the Canada School of Public Service Procurement course or equivalent, in the given fiscal year 5
Number and percentage of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes support and contribution toward green procurement, in the given fiscal year 1

Implementation strategies: performance summary

The Canadian Grain Commission’s green procurement plan was approved and implemented in 2009. The plan was reviewed and updated in 2014-15.

Departmental green procurement target
Reduce the total number of printers by increasing the ratio of printers to FTEs
Performance indicator Performance level achieved
Ratio of printers to FTEs
(2014-15 baseline = 1 printer:5 FTEs)
1 printer to every 11 FTEs
Departmental green procurement target
Replace obsolete printers with duplex printers
Performance indicator Performance level achieved
Percentage of obsolete printers that are replaced with duplex printers 100% of obsolete printers are replaced with duplex printers, with the exception of specialty printers (e.g. envelope and label printers)
Implementation strategy element or best practice Performance level achieved Leverage common use procurement instruments where available and feasible. Achieved
Best Practice
7.2.3. Train acquisition cardholders on green procurement.
Best Practice
7.2.4. Increase awareness of the Policy on Green Procurement among managers.
Achieved and ongoing

Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment

During the 2016–17 reporting cycle, the Canadian Grain Commission considered the environmental effects of initiatives subject to the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals, as part of its decision-making processes. As the Canadian Grain Commission did not develop any initiatives that required a Strategic Environmental Assessment, no related public statements were produced.

Internal audits and evaluations

Internal audits completed in 2016–17
Title of internal audit Internal audit type Completion date
Audit of Travel, Hospitality, and Conference Expenses Assurance - Internal and financial management controls. June 2016
Audit of Weighing Services Assurance – Program operations. November 2016
Audit of Design and Operating Effectiveness of Entity Level Controls
Note: to be posted to Canadian Grain Commission website August 23, 2017
Assurance – Financial management controls. June 2017
Evaluations in progress or completed in 2016–17
Title of internal audit Status Deputy head approval date Link to department’s programs
Evaluation of the Harvest Sample Program
To be posted in September 2017
Complete June 2017 1.3 Grain Research
1.4.3 Producer Protection Sub-program
Evaluation of Analytical Services In progress N/A 1.1 Grain Quality Assurance

Response to parliamentary committees

There were no parliamentary committee reports requiring a response in 2016–17.

Response to audits conducted by the Auditor General (including to the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development)

There were no audits in 2016–17 requiring a response.

Response to audits conducted by the Public Service Commission of Canada or the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

There were no audits in 2016–17 requiring a response.

Reporting on the User Fees Act

General Information by Fee
Fee name Outward Official Inspection
Fee type Regulatory
Fee-setting authority Canada Grain Act – Paragraph 116(1)(r)
Year introduced 1912
Year last amended 2013
Performance standard
  1. Outward Official Inspection - ships
    1. When grain being loaded is other than grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission will inform the elevator staff by form IW-7.
    2. Applicable documents for final outward inspection will be issued within two business days after all of the following has been met:
      1. completion of loading;
      2. receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
      3. completion of all required analytical testing results.
    3. Grades are accurate (based on the official sample).
  2. Outward Official Inspection — railway cars, trucks or containers
    1. When grain being loaded is other than grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission will inform the elevator staff by form IW-7.
    2. Applicable documents for final outward inspection will be issued within two business days after all of the following has been met:
      1. completion of loading;
      2. receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
      3. completion of all required analytical testing results.
  3. Grades are accurate (based on the official sample).
Performance results
  • Performance results:
    1. Outward Official Inspection – ships: 99.8 percent
    2. Outward Official Inspection — railway cars, trucks or containers: service not requested during the reporting period
Other information During 2015-16, the Canadian Grain Commission commenced a review of its fee structure to ensure that user fees accurately reflect the costs of providing services and reflect updated grain volume projections. Consultations with stakeholders took place starting in March 1, 2017. Subsequently, a decision was made to reduce outward official inspection fees before the end of the current five-year fee review cycle. Proposed changes were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on April 22, 2017. Stakeholders had until May 22, 2017 to provide comments. Effective August 1, 2017, the fee for official inspection of grain discharged to ships is reduced from $1.70 to $1.35 per tonne and the fee for official inspection of railway cars, trucks or containers is reduced from $153.43 to $121.12 per inspection. Two supplementary fees for overtime related to official grain inspection services were also eliminated.
Financial information, 2016–17 (dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
(39,065,284) (69,568,301) 46,219,752
Financial information, 2017–18, 2018–19 and 2019–20 (dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost*
2017–18 (39,530,347) 44,829,460
2018–19 (39,530,347) 44,829,460
2019–20 (39,530,347) 44,829,460
*Estimated full cost includes the Canadian Grain Commission appropriation amount of $5.299 million.
Fee name Outward Official Inspection
Fee type Regulatory
Fee-setting authority Canada Grain Act – Paragraph 116(1)(r)
Year introduced 1912
Year last amended 2013
Performance standard
  1. Outward Official Inspection - ships
    1. Applicable documents for final outward weighing will be issued within two business days after all of the following has been met:
      1. completion of loading;
      2. reporting of weights and documentation to the Canadian Grain Commission;
      3. receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
      4. completion of all required analytical testing results.
  2. Official Outward Weighing – railway cars/trucks/containers
    1. Applicable documents for final outward weighing will be issued within two business days after all of the following has been met:
      1. completion of loading;
      2. reporting of weights and documentation to the Canadian Grain Commission;
      3. receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
      4. completion of all required analytical testing results.
Performance results
  • Performance results:
    1. Outward Weighing – ships: 99.5 percent
    2. Official Outward Weighing – railway cars/trucks/containers: service not requested during the reporting period
Other information During 2015-16, the Canadian Grain Commission commenced a review of its fee structure to ensure that user fees accurately reflect the costs of providing services and reflect updated grain volume projections. Consultations with stakeholders took place starting in March 1, 2017. Subsequently, a decision was made to reduce outward official weighing fees before the end of the current five-year fee review cycle. Proposed changes were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on April 22, 2017. Stakeholders had until May 22, 2017 to provide comments. Effective August 1, 2017, the fee for official weighing of grain discharged to ships will be reduced from $0.16 to $0.07 per tonne and the fee for official inspection of railway cars, trucks or containers is reduced from $14.78 to $6.67 per railway car, truck or container.
Financial information, 2016–17 (dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
(3,720,503) (6,148,268) 2,341,059
Financial information, 2017–18, 2018–19 and 2019–20 (dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017–18 (3,720,503) 3,720,503
2018–19 (3,720,503) 3,720,503
2019–20 (3,720,503) 3,720,503
Fee name Licensing
Fee type Regulatory
Fee-setting authority Canada Grain Act – Paragraph 116(1)(r)
Year introduced 1912
Year last amended 2013
Performance standard
  1. Full-term Licence
    1. Licensees will be sent licence renewal packages three months prior to the annual licence renewal date.
    2. After the renewal deadline and prior to the renewal date, a decision will be made with respect to the issuance of a licence.
    3. The licensee will be notified within one business day of the licence being issued.
    4. The licence will be sent to the licensee within five business days from the effective date of the licence.
    5. The Canadian Grain Commission’s Web site will be updated within three business days of the effective date of a change in the status of a licensee.
    6. Licensee inquiries will receive a response within one business day.
    7. Publication of grain elevator, grain handling and elevator charge reports.
  1. Short-term Licence
    1. Licensees will be sent a short-term licence notification within five business days from the effective day of the licence.
    2. After the renewal deadline and prior to the renewal date, a decision will be made with respect to the issuance of a licence.
    3. The licensee will be notified within one business day of the licence being issued.
    4. The licence will be sent to the licensee within five business days from the effective date of the licence.
    5. The Canadian Grain Commission’s Web site will be updated within three business days of the effective date of a change in the status of a licensee.
    6. Licensee inquiries will receive a response within one business day.
Performance results
  1. Full-term Licence – 99.3 percent
  2. Short-term Licence – 99.6 percent
Other information During 2015-16, the Canadian Grain Commission commenced a review of its fee structure to ensure that user fees accurately reflect the costs of providing services and reflect updated grain volume projections. This is part of a five-year cycle to keep user fees in line with the costs of providing services. The current cycle ends March 31, 2018. Consultations with stakeholders took place from March to May, 2017. Stakeholder feedback will be taken into consideration when the Canadian Grain Commission makes recommendations and submits a formal proposal to Cabinet and Parliament regarding changes possible changes to this fee by April 1, 2018.
Financial information, 2016–17 (dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
(1,734,434) (1,771,219) 1,630,323
Financial information, 2017–18, 2018–19 and 2019–20 (dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017–18 (1,764,441) 1,764,441
2018–19 (1,764,441) 1,764,441
2019–20 (1,764,441) 1,764,441
Fee name Producer Railway Car Application
Fee type Regulatory
Fee-setting authority Canada Grain Act – Paragraph 116(1)(r)
Year introduced 1987
Year last amended 2013
Performance standard Written acknowledgement of the receipt and processing of a complete producer railway car application will be sent by the end of the next business day.
Performance results 99.9 percent
Other information During 2015-16, the Canadian Grain Commission commenced a review of its fee structure to ensure that user fees accurately reflect the costs of providing services and reflect updated grain volume projections. This is part of a five-year cycle to keep user fees in line with the costs of providing services. The current cycle ends March 31, 2018. Consultations with stakeholders took place from March to May, 2017. Stakeholder feedback will be taken into consideration when the Canadian Grain Commission makes recommendations and submits a formal proposal to Cabinet and Parliament regarding changes possible changes to this fee by April 1, 2018.
Financial information, 2016–17 (dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
(333,365) (161,644) 213,203
Financial information, 2017–18, 2018–19 and 2019–20 (dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017–18 (339,318) 339,318
2018–19 (339,318) 339,318
2019–20 (339,318) 339,318
Fee name Third-party authorization application
Fee type Regulatory
Fee-setting authority Canada Grain Act – Paragraph 116(1)(r)
Year introduced 2013
Year last amended 2013
Performance standard
  1. A decision will be made with respect to the authorization of a service provider within 10 business days of receiving a complete application form
  2. The applicant will be notified within one business day of authorization being given
  3. The Canadian Grain Commission's website is updated within three business days of the effective date of the change on the status of an authorized service provider.
Performance results 100 percent
Other information During 2015-16, the Canadian Grain Commission commenced a review of its fee structure to ensure that user fees accurately reflect the costs of providing services and reflect updated grain volume projections. This is part of a five-year cycle to keep user fees in line with the costs of providing services. The current cycle ends March 31, 2018. Consultations with stakeholders took place from March to May, 2017. Stakeholder feedback will be taken into consideration when the Canadian Grain Commission makes recommendations and submits a formal proposal to Cabinet and Parliament regarding changes possible changes to this fee by April 1, 2018.
Fee name Reinspection of grain
Fee type Regulatory
Fee-setting authority Canada Grain Act – Paragraph 116(1)(r)
Year introduced 1912
Year last amended 2013
Performance standard Reinspection by the Chief Grain Inspector for Canada will be complete and results will be available within ten business days of the reinspection request.
Performance results Service not requested during the reporting period
Other information During 2015-16, the Canadian Grain Commission commenced a review of its fee structure to ensure that user fees accurately reflect the costs of providing services and reflect updated grain volume projections. This is part of a five-year cycle to keep user fees in line with the costs of providing services. The current cycle ends March 31, 2018. Consultations with stakeholders took place from March to May, 2017. Stakeholder feedback will be taken into consideration when the Canadian Grain Commission makes recommendations and submits a formal proposal to Cabinet and Parliament regarding changes possible changes to this fee by April 1, 2018.
Fee name Inspection of Submitted Samples
Fee type Regulatory
Fee-setting authority Canada Grain Act – Paragraph 116(1)(r)
Year introduced 1930
Year last amended 2013
Performance standard Inspection of submitted samples — unofficial sample
  1. An I-126 submitted sample certificate (S) will be issued within five business days of receiving the sample and completion of all required analytical testing results, subject to operational commitment.
  2. Grades are accurate (based on the submitted sample).
Inspection of submitted sample — Certified Container Sampling Program
  1. An I-135 certified submitted sample certificate will be issued within five business days of receiving the sample and completion of all required analytical testing results, subject to operational commitment.
  2. Grades are accurate (based on the submitted sample).
Inspection of submitted sample — Accredited Container Sampler Program
  1. An I-141 official inspection certificate will be issued within five business days of receiving the sample and completion of all required analytical testing results, subject to operational commitment.
  2. Grades are accurate (based on the official sample).
Performance results Inspection of submitted samples — unofficial sample: 99.0 percent
Inspection of submitted sample — Certified Container Sampling Program: service not requested during the reporting period
Inspection of submitted sample — Accredited Container Sampler Program: service not requested during the reporting period
Other information During 2015-16, the Canadian Grain Commission commenced a review of its fee structure to ensure that user fees accurately reflect the costs of providing services and reflect updated grain volume projections. This is part of a five-year cycle to keep user fees in line with the costs of providing services. The current cycle ends March 31, 2018. Consultations with stakeholders took place from March to May, 2017. Stakeholder feedback will be taken into consideration when the Canadian Grain Commission makes recommendations and submits a formal proposal to Cabinet and Parliament regarding changes possible changes to this fee by April 1, 2018.
Financial information, 2016–17 (dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
(2,885,870) (137,704) 2,352,461
Financial information, 2017–18, 2018–19 and 2019–20 (dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2017–18 (2,932,044) 2,932,044
2018–19 (2,932,044) 2,932,044
2019–20 (2,932,044) 2,932,044
Fee name Fees for processing requests filed under the Access to Information Act
Fee type Other products and services
Fee-setting authority Access to Information Act
Year introduced 1988
Year last amended 1992
Performance standard A response is provided within 30 days following receipt of a request; the response time may be extended under section 9 of the Access to Information Act.
Performance results The department responded within 30 days in 100% of cases.
Other information Under the Access to Information Act, fees under $25 may be waived when deemed to be in the public interest. Fees waived during 2016–17 totalled $0.00
Financial information, 2016–17 (dollars)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
0 5 5,996
Financial information, 2017–18, 2018–19 and 2019–20 (dollars)
Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost*
2017–18 0 0
2018–19 0 0
2019–20 0 0

Summary of financial information for all user fees and regulatory charges

Summary of financial information for all user fees and regulatory charges, 2016–17 (dollars)
  Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
Regulatory subtotal (47,739,456) (77,787,136) 52,756,798
Other products and services subtotal (8,628,452) (1,667,670) 6,125,021
Total, all fee types (56,367,908) (79,454,806) 58,881,819
Summary of financial information for all user fees and regulatory charges, 2017–18, 2018–19 and 2019–20 (dollars)
  Planning year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
Regulatory subtotal 2017–18 (48,286,653) 53,585,766
2018–19 (48,286,653) 53,585,766
2019–20 (48,286,653) 53,585,766
Other products and services subtotal 2017–18 (8,795,170) 8,795,170
2018–19 (8,795,170) 8,795,170
2019–20 (8,795,170) 8,795,170
Total, all fee types 2017–18 (57,081,823) 62,380,936
2018–19 (57,081,823) 62,380,936
2019–20 (57,081,823) 62,380,936
Note: Amounts reported for 2018-19 and onwards are consistent with 2017-18 as they do not include adjustments for inflation or updated user fees.

Reporting on the Policy on Service Standards for External Fees

General Information by Fee
External fee name Outward Official Inspection
Service standard
  1. Outward Official Inspection - ships
    1. When grain being loaded is other than grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission will inform the elevator staff by form IW-7.
    2. Applicable documents for final outward inspection will be issued within two business days after all of the following has been met:
      1. completion of loading;
      2. receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
      3. completion of all required analytical testing results.
    3. Grades are accurate (based on the official sample).
  2. Outward Official Weighing – railway cars/trucks/containers
    1. Applicable documents for final outward weighing will be issued within two business days after all of the following has been met:
      1. completion of loading;
      2. reporting of weights and documentation to the Canadian Grain Commission;
      3. receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
      4. completion of all required analytical testing results.
    2. Grades are accurate (based on the official sample).
Performance results
  1. Outward Official Inspection – ships
    • The service standard was met 99.8 percent of the time.
  2. Outward Official Inspection — railway cars, trucks or containers
    • This service was not requested during the reporting period.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Outward Official Inspection
Service standard
  1. Outward Official Weighing - ships
    1. Applicable documents for final outward weighing will be issued within two business days after all of the following has been met:
      1. completion of loading;
      2. reporting of weights and documentation to the Canadian Grain Commission;
      3. receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
      4. completion of all required analytical testing results.
  2. Outward Official Weighing – railway cars/trucks/containers
    1. Applicable documents for final outward weighing will be issued within two business days after all of the following has been met:
      1. completion of loading;
      2. reporting of weights and documentation to the Canadian Grain Commission
      3. receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
      4. completion of all required analytical testing results.
Performance results
  1. Outward Official Weighing – ships
    • The service standard was met 99.5 percent of the time.
  2. Outward Official Weighing – railway cars/trucks/containers
    • This service was not requested during the reporting period.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the CGC released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all CGC licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Licensing
Service standard
  1. Full-Term Licence
    1. Licensees will be sent licence renewal packages three months prior to the annual licence renewal date.
    2. After the renewal deadline and prior to the renewal date, a decision will be made with respect to the issuance of a licence.
    3. The licensee will be notified within one business day of the licence being issued.
    4. The licence will be sent to the licensee within five business days from the effective date of the licence.
    5. The Canadian Grain Commission’s Web site will be updated within three business days of the effective date of a change in the status of a licensee.
    6. Licensee inquiries will receive a response within one business day.
    7. Publication of grain elevator, grain handling and elevator charge reports.
  2. Short-Term Licence
    1. Licensees will be sent a short-term licence notification within five business days from the effective day of the licence.
    2. After the renewal deadline and prior to the renewal date, a decision will be made with respect to the issuance of a licence.
    3. The licensee will be notified within one business day of the licence being issued.
    4. The licence will be sent to the licensee within five business days from the effective date of the licence.
    5. The Canadian Grain Commission’s Web site will be updated within three business days of the effective date of a change in the status of a licensee.
    6. Licensee inquiries will receive a response within one business day.
Performance results
  1. Full-Term Licence
    • The service standard was met 99.3 percent of the time.
  2. Short-Term Licence
    • The service standard was met 99.6 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Producer Railway Car Application
Service standard Written acknowledgement of the receipt and processing of a complete producer railway car application will be sent by the end of the next business day.
Performance results The service standard was met 99.9 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Third-party authorization application
Service standard
  1. A decision will be made with respect to the authorization of a service provider within 10 business days of receiving a complete application form
  2. The applicant will be notified within one business day of authorization being given
  3. The Canadian Grain Commission's website is updated within three business days of the effective date of the change on the status of an authorized service provider.
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Reinspection of grain
Service standard Reinspection by the Chief Grain Inspector for Canada will be complete and results will be available within ten business days of the reinspection request.
Performance results This service was not requested during the reporting period.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Inspection of Submitted Samples
Service standard
  1. Inspection of submitted samples — unofficial sample
    1. An I-126 submitted sample certificate will be issued within five business days of receiving the sample and completion of all required analytical testing results, subject to operational commitment.
    2. Grades are accurate (based on the submitted sample).
  2. Inspection of submitted sample — Certified Container Sampling Program
    1. An I-135 certified submitted sample certificate will be issued within five business days of receiving the sample and completion of all required analytical testing results, subject to operational commitment.
    2. Grades are accurate (based on the submitted sample).
  3. Inspection of submitted sample — Accredited Container Sampler Program
    1. An I-141 official inspection certificate will be issued within five business days of receiving the sample and completion of all required analytical testing results, subject to operational commitment.
    2. Grades are accurate (based on the official sample).
Performance results
  1. Inspection of submitted samples — unofficial sample
    • The service standard was met 99.0 percent of the time.
  2. Inspection of submitted sample — Certified Container Sampling Program
    • This service was not requested during the reporting period.
  3. Inspection of submitted sample — Accredited Container Sampler Program
    • This service was not requested during the reporting period.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Outward official inspection - supplementary fees (includes fees for travel and accommodation, overtime, and standby)
Service standard Refer to the applicable service standards for outward inspection
Performance results Refer to performance results for outward inspection
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Optional weighing – railway cars/trucks/containers
Service standard Canadian Grain Commission staff weigh grain, as mandated by the Canada Grain Act and as per operational commitments.
Applicable documents for final outward weighing will be issued within two business days after all of the following has been met:
  • completion of loading;
  • receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
  • completion of all required analytical testing results.
Performance results This service was not requested during the reporting period.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the CGC released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all CGC licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the CGC website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Optional inspection – railway cars/trucks/containers
Service standard Canadian Grain Commission staff inspect grain, as mandated by the Canada Grain Act and as per operational commitments.
When grain being loaded is other than grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission will inform the elevator staff by form IW-7.
Applicable documents for final outward inspection will be issued within two business days after all of the following have been met:
  • completion of loading;
  • receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
  • completion of all required analytical testing results.
Grades are accurate (based on the official sample).
Performance results This service was not requested during the reporting period.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the CGC released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all CGC licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the CGC website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Special services
Service standard Canadian Grain Commission staff provide special services as per operational commitments and the Canada Grain Act.
Applicable documents with inspection and/or weighing results will be issued within two business days after all of the following have been met:
  • completion of the special service;
  • receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
  • completion of all required analytical testing results.
Performance results This service was not requested during the reporting period.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Additional analysis
Service standard Documents detailing the results of all inspection support services will be forwarded within two business days after all of the following have been met:
  • receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
  • completion of all required analytical testing results.
Performance results The service standard was met 98.4 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Provision of samples
Service standard Samples will be provided on request, upon completion of the loading of the conveyance.
Performance results The service standard was met 99.7 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Test weight
Service standard Documents detailing test weight analysis will be complete and forwarded within two business days of the sample being received
Performance results This service was not requested during the reporting period.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Vomitoxin (DON) testing by ELISA technology
Service standard Documents detailing results of the vomitoxin (DON) test by ELISA will be completed and forwarded within three business days of the sample being received
Performance results The service standard was met 99.8 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Berlese test
Service standard Results are provided to the client within two business days of the sample being received at the regional laboratory
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Calibration samples
Service standard Sample sets are provided on request, for Grain Research Laboratory validated methods.
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Aflatoxin testing - ELISA method
Service standard Documents detailing the results of the aflatoxin test will be complete and forwarded within three business days of the sample being received
Performance results The service standard was met 93.8 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Germination energy
Service standard Documents detailing the results of the germination energy level will be complete and forwarded within seven business days of the sample being received.
Performance results The service standard was met 95.2 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Moisture test
Service standard Moisture test documentation is distributed to all interested parties within two business days from the date of the sample being received.
Performance results The service standard was met 14.5 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Falling number (Hagberg)
Service standard Documents detailing the falling number result (Hagberg) will be completed and forwarded within five business days of the sample being received
Performance results The service standard was met 99.3 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Vomitoxin (DON) testing by mass spectrometry
Service standard Documents detailing results of the vomitoxin (DON) test by mass spectrometry will be completed and forwarded within seven business days of the sample being received.
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Ochratoxin A testing - by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection
Service standard Documents detailing results of the ochratoxin test by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection will be completed and forwarded within seven business days of the sample being received.
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Cadmium
Service standard Test results from the Cadmium test will be completed and forwarded within three business days of the sample being received.
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Alveograph
Service standard Documents detailing the results of the alveograph will be completed and forwarded within three business days after:
  • milling of sample (refer to milling service standard) and
  • sample stabilization (seven consecutive days).
Performance results The service standard was met 99.1 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Amylograph
Service standard Documents detailing the results of the amylograph will be completed and forwarded within three business days after:
  • milling of sample (refer to milling service standard).
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the CGC released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all CGC licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the CGC website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Farinograph
Service standard Documents detailing the results of the farinograph will be completed and forwarded within three business days after:
  • milling of sample (refer to milling service standard) and
  • sample stabilization (seven consecutive days).
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Milling, flour
Service standard The sample will be milled, results will be documented and the flour will be forwarded for further testing within five business days of receiving the sample.
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Nitrogen/protein (combustion)
Service standard Documents detailing the nitrogen/protein content will be provided within three business days of receiving the sample
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Wet gluten content
Service standard Documents detailing wet gluten content will be completed and forwarded within three business days after:
  • milling of sample (refer to milling service standard).
Performance results The service standard was met 99 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Chlorophyll content with ISO10519:1997/ AOCS Ak2-92
Service standard Documents detailing chlorophyll content will be reported within two business days of receiving the sample
Performance results This service was not requested during the reporting period.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Fatty Acid composition - ISO 12966-2:2011 and ISO 5508:1990
Service standard Documents detailing the fatty acid profile will be reported within two business days of receiving the sample
Performance results The service standard was met 92.6 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Oil content - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance method (ISO 5511:1992) calibrated with ISO 659:2009/AOCS Am2-93
Service standard Documents detailing the oil content will be reported within two business days of receiving the sample.
Performance results The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Free Fatty Acids – method of Ke et al., Analytica Chimica Acta 99:387–391 (1978)
Service standard Documents detailing the free fatty acid profile will be reported within two business days of receiving the sample
Performance results The service standard was met 90.7 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name NIR whole-seed analysis
Service standard Documents detailing the NIR (near-infrared) whole-seed analysis will be reported within two business days of receiving the sample
Performance results This service was not requested during the reporting period.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Documentation issued
Service standard Applicable documents will be issued within two business days after:
  • completion of the analysis of the sample representing the conveyance;
  • receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
  • completion of all required analytical testing results.
Performance results The service standard was met 98.3 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Courier fees
Service standard Not applicable
Performance results Not applicable
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.
External fee name Administration services
Service standard Documentation will be transmitted as requested
Performance results The service standard was met 97.6 percent of the time.
Stakeholder consultation in 2016–17 or prior fiscal years On March 1, 2017, the Canadian Grain Commission released its User Fees Consultation and Pre-proposal Notification document which outlined proposed fees, service standards and performance measures. The consultation document was emailed directly to industry and producer stakeholders, including all Canadian Grain Commission licensees, producer organizations, industry associations and relevant government organizations. At the same time, a news release was issued. The consultation document was posted on the Canadian Grain Commission website, and a link to it was posted on Service Canada's Consulting with Canadians website.
Other information The Canadian Grain Commission has established a review cycle that repeats every five years.

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