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Horizontal sampling with a double sleeve trier

Transcript - Horizontal sampling with a double sleeve trier

Transcript: Horizontal sampling with a double sleeve trier

Video length: 3 minutes, 34 seconds

(Introductory Music)

(Canadian Grain Commission logo)

Horizontal sampling with a double sleeve trier

(Exterior of Canadian Grain Commission headquarters. Sample of wheat in a metal bowl. Triers in background. Three triers of varying sizes.)

(Narrator speaks.)

At the Canadian Grain Commission, we use a double sleeve trier for sampling bagged grain. Use the appropriate size of trier for the size of grain you’re sampling. Look in your manual for further details.

(Inspector demonstrates trier.)

Both the inner and outer tubes have openings. If you turn the inner tube, you can line these up. Be careful. You can easily catch your fingers and the edges can be sharp enough to cut you.

You do not need to use partitions or plugs for horizontal sampling.

The contents of the entire tube represent one primary sample.

(Inspector inserts trier into bag of grain placed horizontally on cart.)

If you’re taking samples from closed bags, use the horizontal sampling method.

(A shipping container full of bags of grain stacked horizontally. Large grain bags stacked vertically on pallets. Smaller grain bags stacked horizontally on pallets.)

You can sample bags after they’ve been placed on pallets. For horizontal sampling, bags need to be on their sides.

(Inspector takes sample from bag placed horizontally on cart.)

Here we’re demonstrating this method using one bag. If you’re sampling bags on a pallet, always sample from the bottom up. This prevents spilled grain from bags you’ve already probed from potentially contaminating samples take from other bags.

Text on screen: double sleeve trier long enough to reach the opposite end of the grain bag

(Inspector measures trier against grain bag.)

For the horizontal method, you’ll need: a double sleeve trier long enough to reach the opposite end of the grain bag;

Text on screen: two clean containers – one for your primary sample – a similar sized or larger one for your composite sample

(Inspector empties grain sample from one metal container into another metal container.)

two clean containers, one for your primary sample and a similar sized or larger one for your composite sample.

(Inspector handles one of three triers.)

Before using the trier, make sure all openings in the inner and outer tubes are clean. When you’re starting to sample a new lot of grain, take the trier part as shown earlier and inspect it. Between samples in the same lot, you don’t need to disassemble the trier, but look for small seeds and particles that may be caught between the tubes. Be careful handling the trier. If you drop it, you could damage it.

(Inspector measures trier against grain bag and marks distance on trier with tape.)

Before taking a sample, gauge the distance that you can insert the trier without puncturing the end of the bag. You can use tape to mark this on the trier.

(Inspector inserts trier into grain bag placed horizontally on cart.)

Carefully insert the closed trier with the tip of the trier pointing up just below the seam at a slight angle.

(Grain inspector uses end of trier to push aside weave of bag, inserts trier, opens it, agitates it and closes it.)

Use the end of the trier to gently push the weave aside, being careful not to tear the fibres. Be careful. You don’t want to push the trier right through the bag. Do no insert the trier through labels or printed labelling on the bag.

Open the trier. Agitate it slightly to allow the openings to fill.

Gently close the trier until you feel some resistance. You may not be able to close it all the way. Closing it gently avoids damaging any grain caught between the edges of the openings.

(Inspector removes trier from bag, cupping hand over end.)

Cup your hand over the end of the trier to prevent your sample from spilling out as you remove the trier from the bag.

(Inspector uses end of trier to close hole in bag.)

To repair the hole you’ve made in the bag, run the point of the trier or your fingertips across the hole. Do this a few times in a opposite directions to pull the threads together.

Inspector places label over hole.

You can seal the hole with some adhesive tape or a label.

Clean up any grain that’s spilled from the bag to prevent cross-contamination.

(Inspector pours sample from trier into empty metal container and runs hand through sample.)

Carefully pour the sample into your container. Check the sample for uniformity and contamination.

(Inspector empties sample into metal container of grain.)

If your primary sample is satisfactory, add it to your composite sample for this lot of grain. If the sample’s not uniform or it’s contaminated, stop sampling and speak to your manager about what to do next. You’ve finished horizontally sampling a bag of grain with a double sleeve trier.

(Canadian Grain Commission logo)

(Closing music.)

(Canada wordmark)

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