Historical information on licensed grain elevators and grain dealers
The Canadian Grain Commission keeps information and statistics about the primary, process, and terminal elevators and grain dealers it licenses. Information includes licensed grain companies’ head office locations, elevator locations and storage capacity.
Grain elevator data
Search our database to find data on grain elevators by company, location, type, railway and capacity. Information about transfer elevators is available up to August 1, 2013.
Grain dealer names and head office locations
View lists of licensed grain dealers and their head office locations by date. Historical summaries are available as far back as the 2009-10 crop year.
Grain Elevators in Canada reports
Download a report about the head office locations and storage capacity (if applicable) of licensed elevators and grain dealers. This report is available as far back as the 1998-99 crop year.
Contact us
- For more information about licensed grain elevators and grain dealers, contact Licensing.
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