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Quality of Canada Eastern Soft Red Winter wheat in 2024

This report presents harvest quality data for Canada Eastern Soft Red Winter (CESRW) wheat grown in 2024. Wheat samples were submitted to the Canadian Grain Commission’s Harvest Sample Program by producers. Quality data is compiled from the results of analytical tests performed in the Grain Research Laboratory.

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Canada Eastern Soft Red Winter

Canada Eastern Soft Red Winter (CESRW) is the largest wheat class in eastern Canada with an annual production of approximately 2 million tons. It is grown primarily in Ontario with some production in Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. CESRW is characterized by a low protein content, weak dough properties and good milling quality. It is used in a variety of soft wheat products, including cookies, crackers, cakes, pastries, cereals, and biscuits, as well as for fillings and batters.

Summary of CESRW quality in 2024

The quality of the 2024 CESRW crop was good, with 15%, 62%, and 18% of samples graded as No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, respectively. Mildew was the main grading factor for samples graded No. 2 while sprouting was a minor factor. The top four grading factors for No. 3 CESRW were mildew, fusarium damage, test weight, and sprouting. The mean protein content of the 2024 CESRW crop was 9.4%, consistent with long-term means. The crop demonstrated good soundness overall. More than 90% of samples had Falling Number (FN) values greater than 275 seconds and more than 85% of samples had deoxynivalenol (DON) levels below 1.0 ppm.

Milling and functional quality

The milling performance and functional quality of the 2024 CESRW crop were very good, consistent with 2023. Both CESRW aggregates had FN values greater than 350 seconds and 275 seconds for No. 2 or better and No. 3, respectively. The test weight and weight per one thousand kernels indicated that the crop had a good physical condition. Both aggregates exhibited good milling yields on the Bühler laboratory mill (clean wheat basis), especially for No. 2 or better. Although wheat ash was slightly higher than last year, the flour ash content remained the same at a constant extraction rate of 74%.

Dough sheet colour was comparable to the 2023 crop, being slightly brighter (L*) and creamier (b*) in 2024. All four solvent retention capacities were consistent with those from 2023. Rheological dough properties, as measured by Farinograph and AlveoLab tests, were similar to those from 2023 but with slightly elevated absorption. Cookie test results showed a similar baking performance to that from 2023.

Grade aggregates CESRW Footnote 1

Quality parameter Footnote 2 2024 2023
No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW
Test weight, kg/hL 78.9 76.4 78.1 76.6
Weight per 1000 kernels, g 35.3 33.1 35.7 33.2
Protein content, % 9.4 9.3 9.8 9.1
Protein content, % (dry matter basis) 10.8 10.8 11.3 10.6
Ash content, % 1.51 1.43 1.44 1.38
Falling Number, seconds 353 294 343 288
Milling flour yield - Bühler Laboratory Mill
Quality parameter Footnote 2 2024 2023
No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW
Clean wheat basis, % 75.9 74.8 75.3 74.6
Quality parameter 2024 2023
No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW
74% extraction 74% extraction
Protein content, % 8.2 8.2 8.5 8.0
Wet gluten content, % 22.7 21.5 20.6 18.3
Ash content, % 0.52 0.54 0.53 0.51
Dough sheet brightness (L*) at 2 h Footnote 3 75.9 75.7 74.5 74.5
Dough sheet redness (a*) at 2 h Footnote 3 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.9
Dough sheet yellowness (b*) at 2 h Footnote 3 23.3 23.4 22.4 21.5
Starch damage, % 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.4
Amylograph peak viscosity, BU 421 245 410 229
Solvent retention capacity, water, % 58 58 57 57
Solvent retention capacity, lactic acid, % 102 102 106 106
Solvent retention capacity, sucrose, % 103 105 100 101
Solvent retention capacity, sodium carbonate, % 83 83 83 81
Farinogram, 50 g bowl
Quality parameter 2024 2023
No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW
74% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 52.9 52.7 51.7 50.4
Dough development time, minutes 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0
Stability, minutes 1.5 0.9 1.0 1.1
Mixing tolerance index, BU 96 103 106 100
Farinogram, 300 g bowl Footnote 4
Quality parameter 2024 2023
No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW
74% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 54.2 53.5 52.5 51.4
Dough development time, minutes 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0
Stability, minutes 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.1
Mixing tolerance index, BU 103 103 108 102
Quality parameter 2024 2023
No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW
74% extraction 74% extraction
P (maximum over pressure), mm H 2O 37 33 32 29
L (length), mm 123 113 125 128
P/L 0.30 0.29 0.26 0.23
W (deformation energy), 10 -4 joules 85 75 75 76
Ie (elasticity index), % 33.5 33.1 33.5 35.3
Cookie test Footnote 5
Quality parameter 2024 2023
No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW No. 2 CESRW or better No. 3 CESRW
74% extraction 74% extraction
Sugar-snap, width, mm 81.9 82.0 83.7 83.7
Sugar-snap, ratio (width/thickness) 9.4 9.4 10.1 10.6
Macro wire-cut, width, mm 79.8 79.8 77.1 79.0
Macro wire-cut, ratio (width/thickness) 8.8 8.7 8.3 8.4

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