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Quality of Canada Western Soft White Spring wheat in 2023

This report presents harvest quality data for Canada Western Soft White Spring (CWSWS) wheat grown in 2023. Wheat samples were submitted to the Canadian Grain Commission’s Harvest Sample Program by producers. Quality data is compiled from the results of analytical tests performed in the Grain Research Laboratory.

Milling and functional quality

Prairie aggregates No. 2 or better CWSWSFootnote 1

Prairie aggregates are from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba (regions 1 to 10 on the crop region map).

Quality parameterFootnote 2 2023 2022
Test weight, kg/hL 81.3 81.1
Weight per 1000 kernels, g 32.3 30.1
Protein content, % 11.7 11.5
Protein content, % (dry matter basis) 13.5 13.2
Ash content, % 1.34 1.56
Falling Number, seconds 376 440
Particle size index, % 69 68
Milling flour yield - Bühler Laboratory Mill
Quality parameterFootnote 2 2023 2022
Clean wheat basis, % 76.5 75.9
Quality parameter 2023 2022
74% extraction 74% extraction
Protein content, % 10.5 10.4
Protein loss, % 1.2 1.1
Wet gluten content, % 30.5 28.4
Gluten index, % 73.1 68.7
Ash content, % 0.55 0.56
Dough sheet brightness (L*) at 2hFootnote 3 75.2 76.4
Dough sheet redness (a*) at 2hFootnote 3 1.6 1.4
Dough sheet yellowness (b*) at 2hFootnote 3 27.1 28.1
Starch damage, % 3.9 4.0
Amylograph peak viscosity, BU 282 533
Solvent retention capacity, water, % 61 59
Solvent retention capacity, lactic acid, % 107 102
Solvent retention capacity, sucrose, % 116 113
Solvent retention capacity, sodium carbonate, % 95 93
Farinogram, 50 g bowl
Quality parameterFootnote 2 2023 2022
74% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 54.8 54.4
Dough development time, minutes 2.2 2.5
Stability, minutes 1.5 1.9
Mixing tolerance index, BU 129 101
Farinogram, 300 g bowlFootnote 4
Quality parameterFootnote 2 2023 2022
74% extraction 74% extraction
Absorption, % 56.9 55.9
Dough development time, minutes 2.2 2.2
Stability, minutes 1.3 1.7
Mixing tolerance index, BU 109 88
Quality parameterFootnote 2 2023 2022
74% extraction 74% extraction
P (maximum over pressure), mm H2O 35 35
L (length), mm 145 128
P/L 0.24 0.27
W (deformation energy), 10-4 joules 67 70
Ie (elasticity index), % 23.6 27.1
Cookie test
Quality parameterFootnote 2 2023 2022
74% extraction 74% extraction
Sugar-snap, width, mm 80.5 78.3
Sugar-snap, ratio (width/thickness) 8.8 8.8
Macro wire-cut, width, mm 77.7 75.5
Macro wire-cut, ratio (width/thickness) 8.4 7.7
Canada Western Soft White Spring (CWSWS) crop regions
Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba crop regions 1 to 10. Details of regions follow.
Text description
  • Region 1: south western Manitoba
  • Region 2: central western Manitoba
  • Region 3: south eastern Manitoba
  • Region 4: south eastern Saskatchewan
  • Region 5: south western Saskatchewan
  • Region 6: central eastern Saskatchewan
  • Region 7: central western Saskatchewan
  • Region 8: southern Alberta
  • Region 9: central eastern Alberta
  • Region 10: northern Alberta and British Columbia

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