Oats: Special analyses

Upon request, samples may be analyzed for other factors. The shipper of the oats indicates which factors are to be analyzed and which sieves to use.


The process for determining thin kernels is called sizing. Thin kernels are kernels that pass through the number 5 slotted sieve or the sieve specified by the shipper.


  1. Using a Boerner-type divider, divide a representative portion of not less than 250 grams from the cleaned sample.
  2. Set the Carter dockage tester as follows:
    Specifications for Carter dockage tester
    Feed control # 5
    Air control Off
    Riddle None
    Top sieve None
    Centre sieve number 5 slotted or as specified by the shipper
    Bottom sieve Blank tray
    Sieve cleaner control Off
  3. Pass the representative portion through the Carter dockage tester once.
  4. When most of the sample has passed over the sieves, turn on the sieve cleaner control for five kicks of the machine to loosen lodged kernels.

    Important: Do not rap sieves in the machine to loosen lodged kernels.

  5. Remove each sieve carefully from the machine.
  6. Remove lodged kernels from each sieve. Add them to the oats that passed over the sieve.
  7. Weigh the kernels that passed through the sieve to determine the percentage of thins.