Moisture testing: Determining moisture content for special cases

Optional analysis

An optional analysis is the process of determining the weight and grade of grain which would otherwise be assessed as dockage. If a sufficient quantity of grain is available, a moisture test will be done on all grains assigned a grade as part of the optional analysis.

When the grain assigned a grade as part of the optional analysis is not large enough for official moisture testing, and most of the sample is tough, damp, moist or wet, the optional analysis portion is graded tough, damp, moist, or wet without reference to a specific moisture content.

Corn (Model 919/3.5" Only)

See Determination of dockage for corn.

  1. Remove cracked corn and foreign material.
    Determining sieve based on moisture content
    If the moisture content is: Use this sieve:
    25.0% or less Number 12 round-hole
    25.1 % or more Number 14 round-hole
  2. Choose the appropriate sample size by weight.
    Determining sample size based on moisture content
    If the moisture content is: Use a sample size of:
    under 20.0% 250 g
    from 20.0% to 35.0% 175 g
  3. Choose the conversion table.
    Determining conversion table based on moisture content
    If the moisture content is: Use conversion table:
    20.0% or less 6
    from 20.1% to 35.0%

    11A - to estimate moisture content based on the dielectric reading and the temperature of the corn

    11B - to adjust the preliminary moisture value according to the test weight of the corn sample