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Supplementary Information Tables 2015-2016

Overview of the Federal Government's Approach to Sustainable Development

The Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) 2013–16 guides the Government of Canada's sustainable development activities, as required by the Federal Sustainable Development Act. In keeping with the objectives of the Act to make environmental decision making more transparent and accountable to Parliament, the Canadian Grain Commission supports the implementation of the FSDS through the activities in this supplementary information table.

This Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy presents the planned contributions and expected results for Theme IV - Shrinking the Environmental Footprint – Beginning with Government.

Greening Government Operations

Target 7.2: Green Procurement

As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into public procurement, in accordance with the federal Policy on Green Procurement.

Performance Measurement

Expected Result: Environmentally responsible acquisition, use and disposal of goods and services
Performance Indicator Performance Target
Departmental approach to further the implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement in place as of April 1, 2014. The Canadian Grain Commission’s green procurement plan was approved and implemented in 2009. The plan was reviewed and updated in 2014-15.
Number and percentage of procurement and/or materiel management specialists who have completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course (C215) or equivalent, in the given fiscal year. 5
Number and percentage of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes support and contribution toward green procurement, in the given fiscal year. 1
Departmental Green Procurement Target: Replace obsolete printers with duplex printers
Performance Indicator Targeted performance level
Ratio of printers to FTEs
2009 target: 1 printer to 1.5 FTEs
Note: The target ratio has been updated from 1:5 to 1:8 to reflect progress to date.
1 printer to 8 FTEs
Departmental Green Procurement Target: Replace obsolete printers with duplex printers
Performance Indicator Performance Target
Percentage of obsolete printers that are replaced with duplex printers 100%
Implementation Strategy Element or Best Practice Targeted performance level Leverage common use procurement instruments where available and feasible. Achieved
Best Practice
7.2.3. Train acquisition cardholders on green procurement.
Best Practice
7.2.4. Increase awareness of the Policy on Green Procurement among managers.
Achieved and ongoing

Strategic Environmental Assessment

The Canadian Grain Commission will continue to ensure that its decision-making process includes consideration of the FSDS goals and targets through the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process. An SEA for policy, plan or program proposals includes an analysis of the impacts of the given proposal on the environment, including on the FSDS goals and targets. The results of the Canadian Grain Commission's detailed assessment are made public when an initiative is announced. The purpose of the public statement is to demonstrate that the environmental effects, including the impacts on achieving the FSDS goals and targets, of the approved policy, plan or program have been appropriately considered during proposal development and decision making.

Internal Audits and Evaluations

Internal audits
Title of Internal Audit Internal Audit Type Status Expected Completion Date
Horizontal Internal Audit of Information Technology Security in Large and Small Departments Assurance— OCG Horizontal Audit In progress First Quarter
Follow-up to Management Action Plans from prior audits Review Engagement (Annual) In Progress First Quarter
Audit of Overtime Process Assurance In progress Second Quarter
Audit of Statistics Unit Assurance Planned Third Quarter
Audit of Weighing Oversight and Certification Program Assurance Planned Fourth Quarter
Audit of Grain Research Laboratory Plant Breeder Line Processes Assurance Planned First Quarter
Audit of Licensing & Compliance Assurance Planned Third Quarter
Information Technology General Controls Review Engagement: Policy on Internal Control Planned Fourth Quarter
Audit of Communications Assurance Planned Second Quarter
Audit of Grain Research Laboratory Governance Assurance Planned Third Quarter
Horizontal Internal Audit of Costing in Large and Small Departments Assurance – OCG Horizontal Audit Planned Third Quarter
Audit of Revenue Contracts Assurance Planned Fourth Quarter
Link to Departmental Program Alignment Architecture Title of the Evaluation Planned Evaluation Start Date Planned Deputy Head Approval Date
1.3 Grain Quality Research Program
1.4.3 Producer Support Programs Sub-Program
Harvest Sample Program February 2015 March 2016

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