2023-24 Fees Report

International Standard Serial Number: 2562-0797

Canadian Grain Commission

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Canadian Grain Commission 2023-24 Fees Report
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Minister's Message

The Honourable Lawrence MacAuley, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

I am pleased to present the Canadian Grain Commission’s report on fees for 2023–24.

The Service Fees Act ensures that government fees are fair and transparent, and provides for clear service standards and performance reporting to Canadians.

The Canadian Grain Commission’s Fees Report provides information on 77 fees that are set by contract, act, regulation or fees notice. These service fees help the Canadian Grain Commission to work on behalf of producers to maintain Canada’s reputation as a dependable supplier of the best quality grain in the world.

I invite you to read this year’s report and learn more about the Canadian Grain Commission’s fees and service standards.

Chief Commissioner’s message

Chief Commissioner, David Hunt

David Hunt
Chief Commissioner
Canadian Grain Commission

As the new Chief Commissioner, I am proud to present the Canadian Grain Commission’s 2023-24 Fees Report. This annual report provides details on each fee, such as the type of fee, rate of adjustment, and service standards performance results. The consistently high performance results demonstrate how all Canadian Grain Commission staff work to provide timely services to Canadian grain farmers, the grain sector, and all Canadians.

The volume of grain inspected and weighed by the Canadian Grain Commission continued to be lower-than-forecasted throughout fiscal year 2023-24. This contributed to a revenue shortfall and the need to draw on our revolving fund surplus.

In 2023-24, the Canadian Grain Commission conducted a comprehensive review of its grain volumes forecast, revenues, services standards, costs, pricing to ensure our fees are aligned with the costs of service provision and services continue to meet the needs of the sector. The Canadian Grain Commission is planning to communicate the results of this review and next steps in 2024-25.

Looking to the future, I am excited to lead a department with such commitment to producers, the grain sector, and Canadians.

About this report

This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act , the Low Materiality Fees Regulations , and subsection 4.2.9 of the Treasury Board Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities , contains information about the fees Canadian Grain Commission had the authority to set in fiscal year 2023–24.

The report covers fees that are subject to the Service Fees Act.

For reporting purposes, fees are categorized by fee-setting mechanism. There are three mechanisms:

  1. Act, regulation or fees notice
    • The authority to set these fees is delegated to a department, minister or Governor in Council pursuant to an act of Parliament.
  2. Contract
    • Ministers have the authority to enter into contracts, which are usually negotiated between the minister and an individual or organization, and which cover fees and other terms and conditions. In some cases, that authority may also be provided by an act of Parliament.
  3. Market-rate or auction
    • The authority to set these fees is pursuant to an act of Parliament or a regulation, and the Minister, department or Governor in Council has no control over the fee amount.

For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, the report provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each fee. For fees set by contract, the report provides totals only. The Canadian Grain Commission did not have fees set by market rate or auction.

Fees charged by the Canadian Grain Commission under the Access to Information Act are not subject to the Service Fees Act and are not included in this report. Information on the Canadian Grain Commission’s access to information fees can be found in our annual report to Parliament on the administration of the Access to Information Act: Transparency.


In 2023–24, the Canadian Grain Commission was subject to the requirements to issue remissions under section 7 of the Service Fees Act and subsection 4.2.4 of the Treasury Board Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities to remit a fee, in whole or in part, to a fee payer when a service standard was not met. The Canadian Grain Commission’s remission policy and procedures, pursuant to the Service Fees Act, are on the following web page: Service Fee Remission Policy pursuant to the Service Fees Act .

The other sections of this report provide detailed amounts on the Canadian Grain Commission’s remissions for 2023-24.

Overall totals, by fee setting mechanism

The following table presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees the Canadian Grain Commission had the authority to set in 2023-24, by fee-setting mechanism.

Overall totals for 2023-24, by fee setting mechanism
Fee-setting mechanism Revenue 1 ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
Fees set by contract 583,558.32 583,558.32 Remissions do not apply to fees set by contract.
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice 50,408,885.37 2 75,728,941.91 5,453.53
Total 3 50,992,443.69 76,312,500.23 5,453.53
  1. The Canadian Grain Commission received approximately $6.9 million in 2023-24 in appropriations that is not included in the revenue.
  2. The Canadian Grain Commission operates primarily as a revolving fund, which has a continuing, non-lapsing authority from Parliament. This is a funding mechanism where revenues remain available in order to finance continuing operations without fiscal year limitations.
  3. In 2023-24, the Canadian Grain Commission provided official inspection and official weighing on lower than anticipated grain volumes. The revenue shortfall was covered by revolving fund surplus.

Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice

A fee grouping is a set of fees relating to a single business line, directorate or program that a department had the authority to charge for those activities.

This section presents, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees the Canadian Grain Commission had the authority to charge in 2023-24 that are set by the following:

  • act
  • regulation
  • fees notice

Official Inspection: totals for 2023-24

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
43,099,991.21 63,986,525.57 5,000.00

Official Weighing: totals for 2023-24

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
2,430,153.23 2,883,414.36 0

Licensing: totals for 2023-24

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
2,033,954.95 5,396,135.46 0

Producer Railway Cars: totals for 2023-24

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
58,311.20 144,295.66 0

Documentation: totals for 2023-24

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
935,598.05 889,286.15 453.53

Other Inspection Services: totals for 2023-24

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
1,850,876.73 2,429,284.72 0

Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice

This section provides detailed information on each fee the Canadian Grain Commission had the authority to charge in 2023-24 and that was set by the following:

  • act
  • regulation
  • fees notice

The Canadian Grain Commission operates as a revolving fund (a statutory, non-lapsing authority), which allows for services and licences provided in one fiscal year to have funds collected in a different year. The effects of this timing difference on reporting are:

  • a fee may have revenue in a fiscal year when the service standard indicates the service was not requested; and
  • revenue and fee amounts may not align with units billed.

Fee grouping

Official Inspection


Official inspection of ships

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

  1. When grain being loaded is other than grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission will inform the elevator staff by Cargo Non-Conformance form within one hour of the sample being processed.
  2. One initial certificate final will be issued to the client within two business days of:
    • approval of the official weight from Weighing Services; and
    • determination of the grade from Inspection Services

Performance result

The service standard was met 99.9 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Material (Formula)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Official inspection of ships

1.11 per tonne

42,968,875.15 5,000 April 1, 2025 1.19 per tonne

Fee grouping

Official Inspection


Official Inspection of railway cars, trucks, containers

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

  1. When grain being loaded is other than grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission will inform the elevator staff by Cargo Non-Conformance form within one hour of the sample being processed.
  2. One initial certificate final will be issued to the client within two business days of:
    • approval of the official weight from Weighing Services; and
    • determination of the grade from Inspection Services

Performance result

Service not requested

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Low-materiality ($51-$151)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Official inspection of railway cars, trucks, containers

99.52 per inspection

0 0 April 1, 2025 106.71 per railway inspection

Fee grouping

Official Inspection


Non-scheduled service reservation - cancellation

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

Employees are reserved for inspection outside of regular location hours.

Performance result

Service standard met 100 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Material (>$151)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023–23 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Non-scheduled service reservation - cancellation 274.66 per employee reporting 131,116.06 0 April 1, 2025 294.48 per employee reporting

Fee grouping

Official Weighing


Official weighing of ships

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

One initial certificate final will be issued to the client within two business days of:

  • approval of the official weight from Weighing Services and;
  • determination of the grade from Inspection Services.

Performance result

The service standard was met 99.8 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Material (Formula)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Official weighing of ships

0.06 per tonne

2,430,153.23 0 April 1, 2025 0.07 per tonne

Fee grouping

Official Weighing


Official weighing of railway cars, trucks, containers

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

One initial certificate will be issued to the client within two business days of:

  • approval of the official weight from Weighing Services and;
  • determination of the grade from Inspection Services.

Performance result

Service not requested

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Low-materiality (<$51)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Official weighing of railway cars, trucks, containers 5.48 per railway car, truck, or container 0 0 April 1, 2024 5.88 per railway car, truck or container

Fee grouping



Full-term licence

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

  1. Licensees will be sent their licence renewal packages three months prior to the annual licence renewal date.
  2. The licensee will be sent their licence(s) on or before the licence effective date.
  3. The Canadian Grain Commission’s website will be updated within three business days of the effective date of a change in the status of a licensee and published reports will be updated weekly or as needed.

Performance result

Service standard met 100 percent of the time

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Material (>$151)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Full-term licence 316.71 per licence/month or partial month 2,013,777.84 0 April 1, 2025 339.57 per licence/month or partial month

Fee grouping



Short-term licence

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

The licensee will be sent licence(s) on or before the licence effective date.

Performance result

Service standard met 100 percent of the time

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Material (>$151)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Short-term licence 438.46 per licence 20,177.11 0 April 1, 2025 470.11 per licence

Fee grouping

Producer Railway Cars


Producer railway car application

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

Acknowledgement of the receipt and processing of a complete producer car application will be sent by the end of the next business day.

Performance result

Service standard met 100 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Low-materiality (<$51)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Producer railway car application 33.32 per railway car 58,311.20 0 April 1, 2025 35.72 per railway car

Fee grouping



Documentation issued

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

Applicable documents are issued to the client within two business days after:

  1. approval of the official weight from Weighing Services;
  2. determination of the grade and grading factors/results from Inspection Services;
  3. receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
  4. completion of all required analytical testing results.

Performance result

Service standard met 99.9 percent of the time

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Material ($51-$151)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Documentation issued 82.46 per document 932,157.79 453.53 April 1, 2025 88.41 per document

Fee grouping



Administrative services

Fee-setting authority

Commission Authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

Canadian Grain Commission staff provides administrative services

Performance result

Service standard met 100 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Administrative services 51.07 per 15 minute increment 3,440.26 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 54.76 per 15 minute increment

Fee grouping



Courier fees

Fee-setting authority

Commission Authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

Not subject to a service standard.

Performance result

Not subject to a service standard.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Courier fees Actual costs charged by third party 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 Actual costs charged by third party

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Third-party authorization

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

After receiving a complete application form, a decision will be made with respect to the authorization of a service provider and notification to the applicant will be provided within 10 days.

Performance result

The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Material (>$151)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Third-party authorization 157.80 per application 1,094.55 0 April 1, 2025 169.19 per application

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Inspection of submitted sample

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

  1. A submitted sample certificate is issued within five business days of receiving the sample and completion of all required analytical testing results.
  2. Grades are accurate (based on the submitted sample reinspection process).

Performance result

Service standard met 99.8 percent of the time

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Low-materiality ($51-$151)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Inspection of submitted sample 52.60 per sample 128,876.57 0 April 1, 2025 56.40 per sample

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Reinspection of Grain

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

Reinspection by the Chief Grain Inspector for Canada will be complete and results will be available within ten business days of the reinspection request.

Performance result

Service standard met 100 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Low-materiality ($51-$151)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Reinspection of Grain 78.90 per reinspection 0 0 April 1, 2025 84.60 per reinspection

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Official Sample

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

If request is received prior to the conveyance loading, samples are provided within two business days upon completion of the loading of the conveyance and receipt of the official sample at a Canadian Grain Commission regional office.

If request is received subsequent to the conveyance loading, samples are provided, if available, within four business days of the request.

Performance result

Service standard met 99.9 percent of the time

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Material ($51-$151)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Official Sample 78.90 per sample 777,598.35 0 April 1, 2025 84.60 per sample

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Travel and accommodation for official inspection services outside regular location

Fee-setting authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

Employees are available to conduct official inspection in a location where on-site inspection is not available.

Performance result

Service standard met 100 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Material (Formula)

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Travel and accommodation for official inspection services outside regular location. Per trip - Cost calculated in accordance with the rate set out in the Travel Directive of the National Joint Council of the Public Service, or if no rate is set, actual cost. 0 0 April 1, 2025 Per trip - Cost calculated in accordance with the rate set out in the Travel Directive of the National Joint Council of the Public Service, or if no rate is set, actual cost.

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Optional inspection of railway cars/trucks/containers

Fee-setting authority

Commission Authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

  1. When grain being loaded is other than the grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission informs the elevator staff of non-conformance within one hour of the sample being processed.
  2. One certificate is issued to the client within two business days of:
    1. approval of the official weight from Weighing Services; and
    2. determination of the grade Inspection Services.

Performance result

Service not requested

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Optional inspection of railway cars/trucks/containers 139.15 per railway car, truck or container 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2024 149.20 per railway car, truck or container

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Optional weighing of railway cars, trucks, containers

Fee-setting authority

Commission Authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

  1. When grain being loaded is other than the grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission informs the elevator staff of non-conformance within one hour of the sample being processed.
  2. One certificate is issued to the client within two business days of:
    1. approval of the official weight from Weighing Services; and
    2. determination of the grade and grading factors/results from Inspection Services.

Performance result

Service not requested

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Optional weighing of railway cars/trucks/containers 7.67 per railway car, truck or container 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2024 8.22 per railway car, truck or container

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Special services

Fee-setting authority

Commission Authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

Canadian Grain Commission staff provides special services subject to capability and capacity.

Performance result

Service standard met 100 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Special services 157.80 per hour/employee 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2024 169.19 per hour/employee

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Travel and accommodation for other inspection services outside regular location

Fee-setting authority

Commission Authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

Employees are available to conduct other inspection in a location where on-site inspection is not available.

Performance result

The service standard was met 100 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Travel and accommodation for other inspection services outside regular location Per trip - Cost calculated in accordance with the rate set out in the Travel Directive of the National Joint Council of the Public Service, or if no rate is set, actual cost. 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 Per trip - Cost calculated in accordance with the rate set out in the Travel Directive of the National Joint Council of the Public Service, or if no rate is set, actual cost.

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Aspiration sample set
Falling number check test – Canada Western Red Spring and Canada Western Amber Durum
Moisture check test – 260 gram
Moisture check test – 675 gram
Oilseed calibration set – on loan
Protein check test – Canada Western Amber Durum
Protein check test – Canada Western Red Spring
Protein sample set

Fee-setting authority

Commission Authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act:

Sample sets, if available, are sent on the date agreed upon at the time of request.

Performance result

Service standard met 100 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
Aspiration sample set 55.23 per sample set 9,304.62 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 59.21 per sample set
Falling number check test – Canada Western Red Spring and Canada Western Amber Durum 82.72 per monthly check test 16,180.56 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 88.70 per monthly check test
Moisture check test – 260 gram 39.46 per monthly check test 8,966.64 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 42.30 per monthly check test
Moisture check test – 675 gram 43.39 per monthly check test 11,787.51 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 46.52 per monthly check test
Oilseed calibration set – on loan 315.59 per set 590.98 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 338.37 per set
Protein check test – Canada Western Amber Durum 36.09 per bi-monthly check test 601.68 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 38.70 per bi-monthly check test
Protein check test – Canada Western Red Spring 36.09 per monthly check test 2,339.12 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 38.70 per bi-monthly check test
Protein sample set 320.86 per sample set 4,721.04 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 344.02 per sample set

Fee grouping

Other Inspection Services


Analytical Testing Services:
1000 kernel weight
Additional analysis
Aflatoxin testing
Alveograph – flour
Alveograph – semolina
Berlese test
Chlorophyll index – reference method
Chlorophyll NIR
Falling number
Fatty acid composition
Free fatty acids
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Round Up ® Ready – single sample
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Round Up ® Ready – 2 to 4 samples
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Round Up ® Ready – 5 or more samples
Genetically modified wheat event MON71200 test
Germination energy
Gluten index
Glyphosate confirmatory analysis
Glyphosate – ELISA single sample
Glyphosate – ELISA 2 to 3 samples
Glyphosate – ELISA 4 or more samples
Iodine value
Malting barley varietal purity
Moisture test – air oven
Moisture test – rapid
Mycotoxin confirmatory analysis
Ochratoxin A (OTA) – single result
Ochratoxin A (OTA) – 2 to 3 results
Ochratoxin A (OTA) – 4 or more results
Oil content - FOSFA method
Oil content - NIR
Oil content - NIT
Oil content - NMR
Protein - CNA
Protein - NIR
Protein - NIT
Soybean GMO event test - PCR – qualitative 1-10 events
Soybean GMO event test - PCR – qualitative 11 or more events
Soybean GMO event test - PCR - quantitative 1 event
Test weight
Trace elements – single
Trace elements - each additional element
Vomitoxin/Deoxynivalenol (DON) – ELISA 1 to 3 samples
Vomitoxin/Deoxynivalenol (DON) – ELISA 4 or more samples
Wet gluten content
Whole seed analysis

Fee-setting authority

Commission Authority

Year fee setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act:

Documents detailing the results of inspection support services will be issued to the client within two business days after completion of all required analytical testing or inspection results.

Performance result

Service standard met 99.8 percent of the time.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2023-24 fee amount ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) 2023-24 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date in 2025–26 2025–26 fee amount ($)
1000 kernel weight 78.90 per sample 2,273.04 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 86.40 per sample
Additional analysis 42.09 per analysis 923.30 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 45.13 per analysis
Aflatoxin testing 328.76 per analysis 9,450.32 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 352.49 per analysis
Alveograph – flour 299.82 per analysis 11,635.71 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 321.46 per analysis
Alveograph – semolina 299.82 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 321.46 per analysis
Amylograph 381.34 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 408.87 per analysis
Berlese test 39.46 per sample 670.82 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 42.30 per sample
Chlorophyll index – reference method 276.15 per export contract certificate 1,328.01 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 296.09 per export contract certificate
Chlorophyll NIR 131.50 per export contract certificate 1,175.13 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 141.00 per export contract certificate
Falling number 131.50 per analysis 78,440.76 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 141.00 per analysis
Farinograph 210.40 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 225.59 per analysis
Fatty acid composition 510.22 per export contract certificate 20,659.10 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 547.05 per export contract certificate
Free fatty acids 362.94 per document issued 12,518.10 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 389.14 per document issued
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Round Up ® Ready – single sample 618.06 per analysis 3,708.36 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 662.68 per analysis
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Round Up ® Ready – 2 to 4 samples 320.86 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 344.02 per analysis
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Round Up ® Ready – 5 or more samples 223.55 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 239.69 per analysis
Genetically modified wheat event MON71200 test 105.72 per analysis 6,300.74 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 113.35 per analysis
Germination energy 236.70 per analysis 6,819.09 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 253.79 per analysis
Glucosinolate 131.50 per analysis 4,141.04 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 141.00 per analysis
Gluten index 210.40 per analysis 2,695.03 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 225.59 per analysis
Glyphosate confirmatory analysis 197.25 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 211.49 per analysis
Glyphosate – ELISA single sample 539.14 per analysis 4,783.60 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 578.06 per analysis
Glyphosate – ELISA 2 to 3 samples 294.56 per analysis 5,227.04 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 315.82 per analysis
Glyphosate – ELISA 4 or more samples 216.97 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 232.63 per analysis
Iodine value 510.22 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 547.05 per analysis
Malting barley varietal purity 1,183.49 per analysis 22,410.96 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 1,268.93 per analysis
Milling 302.98 per analysis 19,848.52 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 324.85 per analysis
Moisture test – air oven 157.80 per analysis 4,304.85 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 169.19 per analysis
Moisture test – rapid 42.09 per analysis 8,918.68 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 45.13 per analysis
Mycotoxin confirmatory analysis 252.48 per analysis 6,215.58 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 270.71 per analysis
Ochratoxin A (OTA) – single result 1,696.35 per analysis 265,971.11 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 1,818.80 per analysis
Ochratoxin A (OTA) – 2 to 3 results 928.39 per analysis 119,525.87 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 995.41 per analysis
Ochratoxin A (OTA) – 4 or more results 644.34 per analysis 5,799.06 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 690.86 per analysis
Oil content – FOSFA method 1,893.60 per analysis 1,893.60 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 2,030.30 per analysis
Oil content - NIR 131.50 per analysis 492.52 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 141.00 per analysis
Oil content - NIT 42.09 per analysis 1,680.92 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 45.13 per analysis
Oil content - NMR 144.65 per export contract certificate 21,319.89 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 155.09 per export contract certificate
Protein - CNA 131.50 per analysis 21,283.84 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 141.00 per analysis
Protein - NIR 131.50 per analysis 526.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 141.00 per analysis
Protein - NIT 42.09 per analysis 791.67 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 45.13 per analysis
Soybean GMO event test - PCR - qualitative 1-10 events 599.63 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 558.32 per analysis
Soybean GMO event test - PCR - qualitative 11 or more events 717.97 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 685.21 per analysis
Soybean GMO event test - PCR – quantitative – 1 event This fee was introduced on April 1, 2024, therefore the fee was not enforced during the reporting period. This fee was introduced on April 1, 2024. Therefore, no revenue was collected during the reporting period. This fee was not subject to remission April 1, 2025 296.08 per analysis
Test weight 39.46 per analysis 0 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 42.30 per analysis
Trace elements – single 359.78 per analysis 9,913.47 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 385.75 per analysis
Trace elements – each additional 59.97 per analysis 2,072.21 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 64.29 per analysis
Vomitoxin/Deoxynivalenol (DON) – ELISA 1 to 3 samples 236.70 per analysis 156,068.69 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 253.79 per analysis
Vomitoxin/Deoxynivalenol (DON) – ELISA 4 or more samples 131.50 per analysis 3,024.50 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 141.00 per analysis
Wet gluten content 210.40 per analysis 43,745.97 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 225.59 per analysis
Whole seed analysis 257.75 per document issued 257.75 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2025 276.36 per document issued