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2019 to 2020 Fees Report


Subsequent to the tabling in Parliament and online publication of the Canadian Grain Commission 2019 to 2020 Fees Report, errors were identified.

Fee Reported 2021-22 Fee Correct 2021-22 Fee
Aflatoxin testing 397.70 297.70
Gluten index 178.62 190.53
Glyphosate confirmatory analysis 488.21 178.62
Glyphosate – ELISA single sample 266.74 488.21
Glyphosate – ELISA 2 to 3 samples 196.48 266.74

International Standard Serial Number: 2562-0797

Minister's Message

The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau,
Privy Councillor, Member of Parliament,
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

On behalf of the Canadian Grain Commission, I am pleased to present our Fees Report for fiscal year 2019-20.

The Service Fees Act provides a modern legislative framework that enables cost-effective delivery of services and through better reporting to Parliament, improves transparency and oversight.

I want to recognize the Canadian Grain Commission’s efforts in meeting the needs of Canada's modern grain sector. The CGC continues to support the growth of grain exports and provide value to participants across the value chain. Working together with the other departments in the agri-food portfolio, the CGC is helping to ensure that Canada’s grain sector remains innovative, prosperous, and sustainable for generations to come.

In 2019-20 the Canadian Grain Commission continued to deliver key front-line inspection and research services that helped our grain products to reach new levels of exports, even during the onset of the global pandemic. It is critically important to me that Canada continues to be recognized as a global leader in the production of safe, high quality grain.

As Canada’s Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, I will continue to support the organization in reporting under the Service Fees Act in support of cost-effective delivery of services and together, with the Canadian Grain Commission, we will keep moving agricultural products from farm to plate.

Acting Chief Commissioner’s message

Acting Chief Commissioner, Doug Chorney

Doug Chorney
Acting Chief Commissioner
Canadian Grain Commission

As Acting Chief Commissioner, I invite you to read our 2019-20 Fees Report. The Canadian Grain Commission is committed to clear and transparent reporting to Parliamentarians and Canadians in accordance with the Service Fees Act.

I am proud of the work done by the Canadian Grain Commission to benefit grain farmers, the grain sector, and all Canadians. Our service standard performance results reflect the commitment and dedication of all Canadian Grain Commission employees.

The Canadian Grain Commission is funded largely through a revolving fund, which is based on charging fees for our services. Our fees are fixed by regulation and fees notice and are reviewed every five years to ensure they remain aligned with the costs of service provision. They are also adjusted for inflation annually in accordance with the Service Fees Act.

In 2019-20, the Canadian Grain Commission dealt with the largest financial failure of a grain company in its history. As a result of our Safeguards for Grain Farmers Program, producers received over $11,000,000, resulting in 100% compensation for eligible unpaid deliveries.

With the unique challenges presented at the end of this fiscal period, I am proud of the work of the Canadian Grain Commission employees in quickly adapting to the new realities brought on by COVID19. While difficult, these circumstances presented us with an opportunity for innovation and creativity, and our team continued to work hard to meet our service standards and lead the organization into a stronger “new normal”.

About this report

This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act and section 4.2.8 of the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees that the Canadian Grain Commission had the authority to set in 2019–20.

Government of Canada departments may set fees for services, licences, permits, products, the use of facilities; for other authorizations of rights or privileges; or to recover, in whole or in part, costs incurred in relation to a regulatory scheme.

For reporting purposes, fees must be categorized under the following three fee setting mechanisms:

  1. Act, regulation or fees notice
    • An act of Parliament delegates the fee setting authority to a department, minister or Governor in Council.
  2. Contract
    • Ministers have the authority to enter into contracts, which are usually negotiated between the minister and an individual or organization, and which cover fees and other terms and conditions. In some cases, that authority may also be provided by an act of Parliament.
  3. Market-rate or auction or both
    • The authority to set these fees is pursuant to an act of Parliament or regulation, and the minister, department or Governor in Council has no control over the fee amount.

This report contains information about all fees that are under the Canadian Grain Commission’s authority, including any that are collected by another department.

The information covers fees that are subject to the Service Fees Act.

For fees set by contract, fees set by market-rate, auction or both, the report provides totals only. For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, it provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each fee.

Although the fees that the Canadian Grain Commission charges under the Access to Information Act are subject to the Service Fees Act, they are not included in this report. Information on the Canadian Grain Commission’s access to information fees for 2019–20 can be found in our Access to Information Report, which is posted on the Canadian Grain Commission webpage.


A remission is a partial or full return of a fee to a fee payer who paid for a service for which a department deemed that the service standard was not met.

Under the Service Fees Act, departments must develop policies for determining whether a service standard has been met and for determining how much of a fee will be remitted to a fee payer if a service standard is not met. This requirement will not take effect until April 1, 2021, so this report does not include remissions issued under the Service Fees Act. The report also does not include other remissions.

Overall totals, by fee setting mechanism

The following table presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that the Canadian Grain Commission had the authority to set in 2019–20, by fee setting mechanism.

Overall totals for 2019–20, by fee setting mechanism
Fee setting mechanism Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
Fees set by contract 981,516 981,516 Remissions do not apply to fees set by contract.
Fees set by market-rate, auction or both 0 0 Remissions do not apply to fees set by market base, auction or both.
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice 60,384,688 63,089,879 0
Total 61,366,204 64,071,395 0

Note: The Canadian Grain Commission received approximately $5.7 million in 2019-20 in appropriation that is not included in the revenue.

Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice

The following tables present, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that the Canadian Grain Commission had the authority to set in 2019–20 that are set by any of the following:

  • act
  • regulation
  • fees notice

A fee grouping is a grouping of all the fees that a department has the authority to set for activities relating to a single business line, directorate or program.

Official Inspection: totals for 2019–2020
Fee grouping Official Inspection
Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
52,793,556 54,378,248 0
Official Weighing: totals for 2019–2020
Fee grouping Official Weighing
Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
2,677,788 2,000,121 0
Licensing: totals for 2019–2020
Fee grouping Licensing
Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
1,831,667 3,342,363 0
Producer Railway Cars: totals for 2019–2020
Fee grouping Producer Railway Cars
Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
77,645 230,796 0
Documentation: totals for 2019–20
Fee grouping Documentation
Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
1,087,579 1,080,397 0
Other Inspection Services: totals for 2019–20
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
1,916,453 2,057,954 0

Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice

This section provides detailed information on each fee that the Canadian Grain Commission had the authority to set in 2019–20 and that was set by any of the following:

  • act
  • regulation
  • fees notice
Fee grouping Official Inspection
Fee Official inspection of railway cars/trucks/containers
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard
  1. When grain being loaded is other than grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission will inform the elevator staff by Cargo Non-Conformance form within one hour of the sample being processed.
  2. One initial certificate final will be issued to the client within two business days of:
    1. approval of the offical weight from Weighing Services; and
    2. determination of the grade from Inspection Services.
Performance result Service not requested.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Official inspection of railway cars/trucks/containers
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Official inspection of railway cars/trucks/containers 123.78 per inspection 0 April 1, 2021 126.01 per inspection
Fee grouping Official Inspection
Fee Official inspection of ships
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard
  1. When grain being loaded is other than grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission will inform the elevator staff by Cargo Non-Conformance form within one hour of the sample being processed.
  2. One initial certificate final will be issued to the client within two business days of:
    1. approval of the offical weight from Weighing Services; and
    2. determination of the grade from Inspection Services.
Performance result Service standards met 99.5 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Official inspection of ships
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Official inspection of ships 1.38 per tonne 52,696,595 April 1, 2021 1.41 per tonne
Fee grouping Official Inspection
Fee Non-scheduled service reservation-cancellation
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Employees are reserved for inspection outside of regular location hours.
Performance result Service standard met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Non-scheduled service reservation-cancellation
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Non-scheduled service reservation-cancellation 244.32 per employee reporting 96,961 April 1, 2021 248.71 per employee reporting
Fee grouping Official Weighing
Fee Official weighing of railway cars/trucks/containers
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard One initial certificate final will be issued to the client within two business days of:
  1. approval of the official weight from Weighing Services and;
  2. determination of the grade from Inspection Services.
Performance result Service not requested.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Official weighing of railway cars/trucks/containers
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Official weighing of railway cars/trucks/containers 6.82 per railway car, truck or container 0 April 1, 2021 6.95 per railway car, truck or container
Fee grouping Official Weighing
Fee Official weighing of ships
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard One initial certificate final will be issued to the client within two business days of:
  1. approval of the official weight from Weighing Services and;
  2. determination of the grade from Inspection Services.
Performance result Service standards met 99.9 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Official weighing of ships
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Official weighing of ships 0.07 per tonne 2,677,788 April 1, 2021 0.07 per tonne
Fee grouping Licensing
Fee Full-term licence
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard
  1. The licensee will be sent their licence renewal packages three months prior to the annual licence renewal date.
  2. The licensee will be sent their licence(s) on or before the licence effective date.
  3. The CGC’s website will be updated within three business days of the effective date of a change in the status of a licensee and published reports will be updated weekly or as needed.
Performance result Service standards met 99.6 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Full-term licence
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Full-term licence 281.74 per license / month or partial month 1,809,920 April 1, 2021 286.80 per license / month or partial month
Fee grouping Licensing
Fee Short-term licence
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard The licensee will be sent licence(s) on or before the licence effective date.
Performance result Service standards met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Short-term licence
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Short-term licence 390.04 per license 21,746 April 1, 2021 397.04 per license
Fee grouping Producer Railway Cars
Fee Producer railway car application
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Acknowledgement of the receipt and processing of a complete producer car application will be sent by the end of the next business day.
Performance result Service standards met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Producer railway car application
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Producer railway car application 29.64 per railway car 77,645 April 1, 2021 30.17 per railway car
Fee grouping Documentation
Fee Documentation issued
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Applicable documents are issued to the client within two business days after:
  1. approval of the official weight from Weighing Services;
  2. determination of the grade and grading factors/results from Inspection Services;
  3. receipt of final documentation request from the shipper/exporter; and
  4. completion of all required analytical testing results.
Performance result Service standards met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Documentation issued
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Documentation issued 73.35 per document 1,079,527 April 1, 2021 74.67 per document
Fee grouping Documentation
Fee Administrative services
Fee setting authority Commission Authority
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Canadian Grain Commission staff provides administrative services.
Performance result Service standards met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Administrative services
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Administrative services 45.43 per 15 minute increment 7,167 April 1, 2021 46.25 per 15 minute increment
Fee grouping Documentation
Fee Courier fees
Fee setting authority Commission Authority
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Not applicable
Performance result Not applicable
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Courier fees
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Courier fees Actual 885 April 1, 2021 Actual
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Inspection of submitted sample
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard
  1. A submitted sample certificate will be issued within five business days of receiving the sample and completion of all required analytical testing results.
  2. Grades are accurate (based on the submitted sample reinspection process).
Performance result Service standards met 99 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Inspection of submitted sample
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Inspection of submitted sample 46.79 per sample 163,417 April 1, 2021 47.63 per sample
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Official Sample
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard
  1. If request is received prior to the conveyance loading, samples are provided within two business days upon completion of the loading of the conveyance and receipt of the official sample at a Canadian Grain Commission regional office. If request is received subsequent to the conveyance loading, samples are provided, if available, within four business days of the request.
  2. Grades are accurate (based on the submitted sample reinspection process).
Performance result Service standards met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Official Sample
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Official Sample 70.19 per sample 670,313 April 1, 2021 71.45 per sample
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Optional inspection of railway cars/trucks/containers
Fee setting authority Commission Authority
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard When grain being loaded is other than the grade ordered, the Canadian Grain Commission informs the elevator staff of non-conformance within one hour of the sample being processed.
Performance result Service not requested.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Optional inspection of railway cars/trucks/containers
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Optional inspection of railway cars/trucks/containers 123.78 per railway car, truck or container 0 April 1, 2021 126.01 per railway car, truck or container
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Optional weighing of railway cars/trucks/containers
Fee setting authority Commission Authority
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard One certificate is issued to the client within two business days of:
  1. approval of the official weight from Weighing Services; and
  2. determination of the grade and grading factors/results from Inspection Services.
Performance result Service not requested.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Optional weighing of railway cars/trucks/containers
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Optional weighing of railway cars/trucks/containers 6.82 per railway car, truck or container 0 April 1, 2021 6.95 per railway car, truck or container
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Reinspection of Grain
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Reinspection by the Chief Grain Inspector for Canada will be complete and results will be available within ten business days of the reinspection request.
Performance result Service standard met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Reinspection of Grain
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Reinspection of Grain 70.19 per reinspection 697 April 1, 2021 71.45 per reinspection
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Third-party authorization
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard After receiving a complete application form, a decision will be made with respect to the authorization of a service provider and notification to the applicant will be provided within 10 days.
Performance result Service standard met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Third-party authorization 140.37 per hour / employee 702 April 1, 2021 142.89 per hour / employee
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Special services
Fee setting authority Commission Authority
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Canadian Grain Commission staff provides special services subject to capability and capacity.
Performance result Service standard met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Special services
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Special services 140.37 per hour / employee 20,410 April 1, 2021 142.89 per hour / employee
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Travel and accommodation for official inspection services outside regular location
Fee setting authority Canada Grain Act - Paragraph 116(1)r
Canada Grain Regulations – Schedule I
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Employees are available to conduct official inspection in a location where on-site inspection is not available.
Performance result Service standard met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Travel and accommodation for official inspection services outside regular location
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Travel and accommodation for official inspection services outside regular location Per trip - Cost calculated in accordance with the rate set out in the Travel Directive of the National Joint Council of the Public Service, or if no rate is set, actual cost. 13,791 April 1, 2021 Per the Travel Directive or actual cost
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Travel and accommodation for other inspection services outside regular location
Fee setting authority Commission Authority
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Employees are available to conduct official inspection in a location where on-site inspection is not available.
Performance result Service standard met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA: Travel and accommodation for other inspection services outside regular location
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Travel and accommodation for other inspection services outside regular location Per trip - Cost calculated in accordance with the rate set out in the Travel Directive of the National Joint Council of the Public Service, or if no rate is set, actual cost. 10,780 April 1, 2021 Per the Travel Directive or actual cost
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Aspiration sample set
Falling number check test
Moisture check test - 260 gram
Moisture check test - 675 gram
Oilseed calibration set - on loan
Protein check test - Canada Western Amber Durum
Protein check test - Canada Western Red Spring
Protein sample set
Fee setting authority Commission Authority
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Sample sets, if available, are sent on the date agreed upon at the time of request.
Performance result Service standard met 100 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Not subject to section 17 of the SFA:
Aspiration sample set
Falling number check test
Moisture check test - 260 gram
Moisture check test - 675 gram
Oilseed calibration set - on loan
Protein check test - Canada Western Amber Durum
Protein check test - Canada Western Red Spring
Protein sample set
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
Aspiration sample set 49.13 per sample set 2,897 April 1, 2021 50.01 per sample set
Falling number check test 73.59 per monthly check test 0 April 1, 2021 74.91 per monthly check test
Moisture check test - 260 gram 35.10 per monthly check test 7,054 April 1, 2021 35.73 per monthly check test
Moisture check test - 675 gram 38.60 per monthly check test 18,558 April 1, 2021 39.29 per monthly check test
Oilseed calibration set - on loan 280.74 per set 275 April 1, 2021 285.78 per set
Protein check test - Canada Western Amber Durum 32.11 per bi-monthly check test 6,963 April 1, 2021 32.68 per bi-monthly check test
Protein check test - Canada Western Red Spring 32.11 per bi-monthly check test 8,759 April 1, 2021 32.68 per bi-monthly check test
Protein sample set 285.42 per sample set 7,694 April 1, 2021 290.55 per sample set
Fee grouping Other Inspection Services
Fee Analytical Testing:
1000 kernel weight
Additional analysis
Aflatoxin testing
Alveograph – flour
Alveograph – semolina
Berlese test
Chlorophyll index - reference method
Chlorophyll NIR
Falling number
Fatty Acid composition
Free Fatty Acids
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Roundup Ready - single sample
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Roundup Ready - 2 to 4 samples
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Roundup Ready - 5 or more samples
Germination energy
Gluten index
Glyphosate confirmatory analysis
Glyphosate - ELISA single sample
Glyphosate - ELISA 2 to 3 samples
Glyphosate - ELISA 4 or more samples
Iodine value
Malting barley varietal purity
Moisture test – rapid
Moisture test - air oven
Mycotoxin confirmatory analysis
Ochratoxin A (OTA) - single result
Ochratoxin A (OTA) - 2 to 3 results
Ochratoxin A (OTA) - 4 or more results
Oil content - NMR
Oil content - FOSFA
Oil content - NIR
Oil content - NIT
Protein - CNA
Protein - NIT
Protein - NIR
Trace elements - single element
Trace elements - each additional element
Vomitoxin/Deoxynivalenol (DON)-ELISA 1 to 3 samples
Vomitoxin/Deoxynivalenol (DON)-ELISA 4 or more samples
Wet gluten content
Whole Seed analysis
Fee setting authority Commission Authority
Year fee setting authority was introduced 1912
Last year fee-setting authority was amended 2018
Service standard Documents detailing the results of inspection support services are issued within two business days after completion of all required analytical testing or inspection results.
Performance result Service standard met 99.9 percent of the time.
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations Analytical Testing:
1000 kernel weight
Additional analysis
Aflatoxin testing
Alveograph – flour
Alveograph – semolina
Berlese test
Chlorophyll index - reference method
Chlorophyll NIR
Falling number
Fatty Acid composition
Free Fatty Acids
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Roundup Ready - single sample
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Roundup Ready - 2 to 4 samples
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Roundup Ready - 5 or more samples
Germination energy
Gluten index
Glyphosate confirmatory analysis
Glyphosate - ELISA single sample
Glyphosate - ELISA 2 to 3 samples
Glyphosate - ELISA 4 or more samples
Iodine value
Malting barley varietal purity
Moisture test – rapid
Moisture test - air oven
Mycotoxin confirmatory analysis
Ochratoxin A (OTA) - single result
Ochratoxin A (OTA) - 2 to 3 results
Ochratoxin A (OTA) - 4 or more results
Oil content - NMR
Oil content - FOSFA
Oil content - NIR
Oil content - NIT
Protein - CNA
Protein - NIT
Protein - NIR
Trace elements - single element
Trace elements - each additional element
Vomitoxin/Deoxynivalenol (DON)-ELISA 1 to 3 samples
Vomitoxin/Deoxynivalenol (DON)-ELISA 4 or more samples
Wet gluten content
Whole Seed analysis
Fee 2019–20 fee amount ($) 2019–20 total fee revenue ($) Fee adjustment date Adjusted fee amount in 2021–22 ($)
1000 kernel weight 70.19 per sample 1,749 April 1, 2021 71.45 per sample
Additional analysis 37.44 per analysis 1,834 April 1, 2021 38.11 per analysis
Aflatoxin testing 292.45 per analysis 11,685 April 1, 2021 397.70 per analysis erratum
Alveograph - flour 266.71 per analysis 13,063 April 1, 2021 271.50 per analysis
Alveograph - semolina 266.71 per analysis 2,134 April 1, 2021 271.50 per analysis
Amylograph 339.23 per analysis 0 April 1, 2021 345.32 per analysis
Berlese test 35.10 per sample 386 April 1, 2021 35.73 per sample
Chlorophyll index - reference method 245.66 per export contract certificate 3,616 April 1, 2021 250.07 per export contract certificate
Chlorophyll NIR 116.98 per export contract certificate 5,562 April 1, 2021 119.08 per export contract certificate
Falling number 116.98 per analysis 151,263 April 1, 2021 119.08 per analysis
Farinograph 187.17 per analysis 187 April 1, 2021 190.53 per analysis
Fatty Acid composition 453.87 per export contract certificate 34,860 April 1, 2021 462.02 per export contract certificate
Free Fatty Acids 322.86 per document issued 20,298 April 1, 2021 328.66 per document issued
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Roundup Ready - single sample 549.80 per analysis 6,586 April 1, 2021 559.68 per analysis
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Roundup Ready - 2 to 4 samples 285.42 per analysis 0 April 1, 2021 290.55 per analysis
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Roundup Ready - 5 or more samples 198.86 per analysis 0 April 1, 2021 202.43 per analysis
Germination energy 210.56 per analysis 5,662 April 1, 2021 214.34 per analysis
Glucosinolate 116.98 per analysis 3,029 April 1, 2021 119.08 per analysis
Gluten index 187.17 per analysis 4,102 April 1, 2021 178.62 per analysis erratum
Glyphosate confirmatory analysis 488.21 per analysis 172 April 1, 2021 488.21 per analysis erratum
Glyphosate - ELISA single sample 479.60 per analysis 3,837 April 1, 2021 266.74 per analysis erratum
Glyphosate - ELISA 2 to 3 samples 262.03 per analysis 1,310 April 1, 2021 196.48 per analysis erratum
Glyphosate - ELISA 4 or more samples 193.01 per analysis 0 April 1, 2021 196.48 per analysis
Iodine value 453.87 per analysis 0 April 1, 2021 462.02 per analysis
Malting barley varietal purity 1,052.79 per analysis 23,071 April 1, 2021 1,071.70 per analysis
Milling 432.82 per analysis 19,025 April 1, 2021 440.60 per analysis
Moisture test - rapid 37.44 per analysis 5,665 April 1, 2021 38.11 per analysis
Moisture test - air oven 140.37 per analysis 3,369 April 1, 2021 142.89 per analysis
Mycotoxin confirmatory analysis 224.59 per analysis 2,690 April 1, 2021 228.63 per analysis
Ochratoxin A (OTA) - single result 1,509.01 per analysis 304,008 April 1, 2021 1,536.11 per analysis
Ochratoxin A (OTA) - 2 to 3 results 825.87 per analysis 95,659 April 1, 2021 840.70 per analysis
Ochratoxin A (OTA) - 4 or more results 573.19 per analysis 0 April 1, 2021 583.48 per analysis
Oil content - NMR 128.68 per export contract certificate 28,766 April 1, 2021 130.99 per export contract certificate
Oil content - FOSFA 1,684.48 per analysis 0 April 1, 2021 1,714.73 per analysis
Oil content - NIR 116.98 per analysis 114 April 1, 2021 119.08 per analysis
Oil content - NIT 37.44 per analysis 2,244 April 1, 2021 38.11 per analysis
Protein - CNA 116.98 per analysis 14,585 April 1, 2021 119.08 per analysis
Protein - NIT 37.44 per analysis 3,653 April 1, 2021 38.11 per analysis
Protein - NIR 116.98 per analysis 1,165 April 1, 2021 119.08 per analysis
Testweight 35.10 per analysis 35 April 1, 2021 35.73 per analysis
Trace elements - single element 320.05 per analysis 2,240 April 1, 2021 325.80 per analysis
Trace elements - each additional element 53.34 per analysis 427 April 1, 2021 54.30 per analysis
Vomitoxin/Deoxynivalenol (DON)-ELISA 1 to 3 samples 210.56 per analysis 145,209 April 1, 2021 214.34 per analysis
Vomitoxin/Deoxynivalenol (DON)-ELISA 4 or more samples 116.98 per analysis 10,249 April 1, 2021 119.08 per analysis
Wet gluten content 187.17 per analysis 50,634 April 1, 2021 190.53 per analysis
Whole Seed analysis 229.28 per document issued 0 April 1, 2021 233.40 per document issued

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