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Lonny McKague, Commissioner of the Canadian Grain Commission

Lonny McKague was appointed Commissioner on February 13, 2017.

Agricultural and leadership experience

Lonny McKague has extensive experience as an owner and operator of a farm in south central Saskatchewan. His 40 years of experience as a primary producer have provided him with knowledge of current social and economic issues facing producers and their businesses.

He has successfully navigated a farming operation through all of the production, handling, transportation and marketing challenges that have occurred in the ever-changing global market.

Mr. McKague served as a Director and a Founding Member of Ogema Elevator Ltd, a provider of grain elevator products and services in Ogema, Saskatchewan. He is a former president of the Canadian Limousin Association, the Ogema Agricultural Society, and of the local Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association. He also served as a past director of the Ogema Credit Union.

Mr. McKague has studied Vocational Agriculture and Agriculture Business Management at the University of Saskatchewan.

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