All elevators in all provinces as of 2024-08-01

Totals for this search:8 elevators with a total capacity of 278,990 tonnes in all provinces as of 2024-08-01.

All elevators in all provinces as of 2024-08-01
Province Station Railway Company name Elevator type Capacity (tonnes)
Alberta CALGARY CN ADM Agri-Industries Company Process 15,390
Alberta LLOYDMINSTER CN ADM Agri-Industries Company Process 89,640
Manitoba CARBERRY CP ADM Agri-Industries Company Primary 15,000
Manitoba WINNIPEG CP ADM Agri-Industries Company Process 820
Ontario WINDSOR OT ADM Agri-Industries Company Terminal 124,010
Saskatchewan HAMLIN CN ADM Agri-Industries Company Primary 6,630
Saskatchewan VANSCOY CN ADM Agri-Industries Company Process 12,000
Saskatchewan WATSON CP ADM Agri-Industries Company Primary 15,500
8 elevators with a total capacity of 278,990 tonnes